Free Samples

I’ve put together a few sample packs for people to use in their music (or anything else I guess). I posted these on my own site a while ago but I thought I’d repost them here as well. The packs are based mostly around drums and other percussive noises and stuff.

The drum beat loops are all exports from tracks I never got around to finishing, and I’ve rounded them all to 130bpm for the sake of simplicity. You should be able to tweak them to around 110 - 150bpm without TOO much weird distortion, but obviously sticking to around 120 - 140bpm is gonna be better. Some of the loops were programmed from scratch using single-shot drum sounds, others are based around breakbeat loops which I’ve cut up and modified, etc.

The analogue drum pack is all single-shot drums which you can obviously take and resequence however you like. These were exported from Sonic Charge µTonic drum synthesizer. Some are patches that came with the software, others are patches I created myself from scratch, others are original patches that I’ve modified.

The weird hits and fx pack is a set of samples I created myself one bored day using my microphone. There are some noises made with my mouth, some from tapping pencils and stuff on various surfaces like my desk and a glass, some sounds from a plastic bag being crumpled up, etc, etc. A nice little collection of odd, glitchy noises which would go nicely in some more experimental music.

And now, the files themselves. All sounds are in WAV format, 16-bit 44.1khz, some mono, some stereo. All normalised, cleaned up, trimmed, etc, etc, ready to plug right into whatever you’re working on. I’ve included an 128kbps MP3 preview of each whole pack, and the packs themselves are compressed into ZIP archives.

::[Drum Loops 130bpm]::

MP3 preview:

ZIP download (15.2mb):

::[Analogue Drum Hits]::

MP3 preview:

ZIP download (993kb):

::[Weird Hits & FX]::

MP3 preview:

ZIP download (1.94mb):

Enjoy :)

Just curious if anybody downloaded these and perhaps used some of them?

I was also wondering if anybody else would be interested in making similar sample packs like this, maybe we could get a little collection going?

I know there must be others out there who have tons of unfinished songs laying around. So rather than let them rot away forever, why not export the useful bits to samples/loops and share with other people?

Obviously there are already tons of sample packs and loops on the internet, so there’s really no point in making yet another pack full of the same old crap that everybody has used to death, but I think packs of original sounds from our own songs and stuff, that could be pretty cool?

Sometimes it can be really difficult to get a song started, but a cool little sample can often give you the boost you need, give you some inspiration, etc.

Anyway, just a thought.

I’ve been thinking about this too… it’s really a cool idea. I have hundreds of unfinished songs and something like 5-10 finished :) I am just an happy amateur who likes to fiddle around and often have no reason to finish stuff. :D

Song snippets and loops can be used as samples, inspiration, something to get started with and also remixing half finished stuff. I think it would be a great addition and resource to the Renoise community!

If there’s interest this could probably be done (thinking of something similar to the Renoise songs page). Maybe something for

I killed some time today by making another little pack of samples which people can use if they like. It’s another set of analogue drum sounds which I created using various drum synths such as MicroTonic, Drummatic3, etc. All sounds were either created from scratch, or are pretty heavily modified versions of existing patches.

All files are 44.1khz 16bit .wav, clean as a whistle, normalised, trimmed and ready to go!

I’m sure somebody will find a use for at least one or two of them :D

::[Analogue Drums 2]::

OGG Preview:

ZIP download (1.3mb):


Does anybody have *.glo for absynth 2?

Is that Absynth’s instrument/patch format or something?

Yep. It is

Cool. I thought about offering some packs with presets for different VSTi’s. It’s just hard cause not everybody has the same VST’s installed. Most people can use a .WAV though :P

But yeah, I hear what you’re saying. It’d be nice to get a collection going. Samples, presets, loops, .rns files, etc.

There are many patches for various VSTi’s at :

(you need 2 B registered user 2 dwnld 'em)

cheers, dblue! I can always do with more drum hits. Now all I gotta do is organise my 100000gb sample library…

Whoa! :drummer:
Appreciate your work, dblue!
Very nice samples + even more nice loops you made of them :yeah:

BTW: I feel that you made 'em with Alesis actives B)
Sub is so punchy! I recognize them at sight! ;)

Thanks dblue just dlled Analogue Drums 2 , sure they will find some use in a composition.


The other packs are a bit old now. I did the loops and stuff very quickly, simply exporting from various tracks of mine. Looking back on them, I’ve realised that it would probably be more useful to provide several different component parts for each loop. For example, the full loop, then only the hihats, then just the kick, snares, etc, etc. Then people could use those to construct their own new loops altogether.

In the future I will probably make some other loop packs, and I will organise the sounds a bit better / more usefully.

As for the new drum hits pack… I did those while sitting bored on my friend’s sofa, hehe. I’m away from home at the moment (travelling around Norway a little), so I was just sitting here with some headphones on, playing around in Renoise, using a few VST drum synths to create new sounds for my tracks. I thought it might be helpful to share those samples with you guys, so I did.

It’s possible that the eq’ing on the samples is a bit weird sometimes, since these headphones are not the best in the world, but I’m sure people can adjust the sounds to make them useful for their own music. :)

Glad you enjoyed them.