From Os X To Ubuntu

BTW: One more note about Renoise’s use of the ALSA PCM (audio, not MIDI) interface. Renoise’s use of the ALSA PCM interface makes the same mistake that many other applications (especially closed source ones - they seem to never get it right ;D) make: The choice of which ALSA PCM device to use.

The default should ALWAYS be the PCM called “default”. Not “hw:0,0” or any other hardcoded string. If you want to offer the user a choice of which ALSA PCM device to use, it is perfectly fine to somehow enumerate the existing devices (to offer some common choices like “hw:0,0”, “hw:1,0”, etc.). But ALWAYS also add a free form text field which allows the user to select one of the PCM devices that your enumeration mechanism might have failed to catch. It is, for example, always possible to put a “plug:” in front of an ALSA PCM device name to get automatic sample rate conversion, etc. And there are other cases where a user might form a desired PCM device name that might not occur to you at application writing time or which will DEFINITELY be missed by your device enumeration scheme.

NOTE: If you use “default” as default, renoise will automatically work with PulseAudio (how well it works is a different question ;D)

Note that

a] your user has to be added to the group audio (type “groups” in a terminal to find out if that’s the case)

b] you need to relogin after changing your group or /etc/security/limits.conf to make these changes effective.


Best Linux Distro for Audio :

Tango Studio





Yes, I forgot this one ;)


What’s up with the avlinux window manager looking like windows 95 =/ Anyone used ubuntu studio?

Slightly OT, but has anyone used pianoteq with renoise in linux? Any opinions on it? If it works well, I’m considering investing in a pianoteq license … in preparation for the possibility of an osx->ubuntu transition (mostly contingent on how bad the walled garden gets…)


I upgraded to 12.10 several weeks ago.

No complaints except for sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping.

After running that command, things are acceptable to me.

Ubuntu naming conventions, fun facts.

I’ve been asked more than few times why Ubuntu’s version numbers are so fucking stupid. Well they are not. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Every 6 months, Ubuntu releases a new version.
  • Every 2 years, Ubuntu releases a LTS version. (LTS = Long Term Support)
  • Each version is assigned an adjective + animal name, in alphabetical order. (like hurricane naming)

The 6 month versions should be considered “stable, but beta”. The LTS versions should be considered “final, but lagging”. Let’s look at the last 10 Ubuntu Versions and see if we can find that pattern:

  • 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)
  • 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
  • 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)
  • 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
  • 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)
  • 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)
  • 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)
  • 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
  • 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)


  • 8.04 = April, 2008, HH, LTS
  • 8.10 = October, 2008, II
  • 11.04 = April 2011, NN
  • 11.10 = October 2011, OO
  • 12.04 = April 2012, PP, LTS
  • 12.10 = October 2012, QQ

Thusly, the next version will be: 13.04, RR, the next LTS will be 14.04 TT.


It should be “Bwaah Bwaah!!”
I’m looking forward to the next edition of Ubuntu RR, faster than evah!

Deep thoughts with bad haircut guy:

His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson
His name is Robert Paulson

That’s quite a strange way to falsely pronounce Dac Chartrand.

oooh, it’s because both are written with latin characters ;)


Funny thing though im happy to admit the noob part. Rather exciting to me. This HUGE WORLD awaits me… and im running with it.

yeah yeah may the trools run with it, but with my experiences trools dont last in this forum which is why this is my home and you reading this are my brethren.

On with the circus! I tried running all these commands and nothing. Ive gotten to the point of extraction and thats all good i can go into the renoise folder and double click renoise to run in my Ubuntu 12.04 OS (btw i’d honestly have chosen another distro personally but for my other half’s intgration this is ‘prettier’ lol!) anyway so getting frustrated and wanting to get it working before my buzz went away I installed the FULL UBUNTU STUDIO. Honestly it isnt THAT bad… ill use most of this shit on here but anyway… I see limited ISH for new ubuntu and linux users here for Renoise. I know were a network of fucjking GENIUSES dont get me wrong I just think we need to set up something or have something more updated consistinitly or a resource for… thanx!


…Oh man that was CLOS! ;)

Updated to Ubuntu 13.04 beta. Renoise working fine. If anyone needs anything from Amazon let me know.

Too early for success… integration is still not done completely:

“Regarde papa, caca!”

What’s the situation with Renoise+PC/Mac-only VSTs? From what I hear, it’s possible to do, but the idea of getting linux to use dll files seems crazy to my small brain.

If I could be certain to get U-he’s plugins working smoothly, that would get me to make the switch sooner rather than later.

Random geological term of the day: Coprolite

I just use Linux plugins. There are many available. I purchased Glitch for example. It runs fine on Ubuntu. There are free ones too. Check the KVR database and filter on Linux to see hundreds. (less than 92)

The only OSX plugins I cared about (and purchased) were mastering suites: TRacks, Ozone. I have those installed on a separate Windows partition if I ever really need them.

What’s important to me is that I use a computer to make a living. I spend 8+ hours a day sitting in front of my box. Most of my time is spent developing web apps that run on Linux. Renoise (and music) is a hobby. The advantage of Linux, for me, is dev tools (first) + music (bonus). My tipping point was: Why give the money I earn from Linux to a competing business trying to destroy the ecosystem I earn it from?

Punks not dad priorities.