From Os X To Ubuntu


I don’t understand why this is an eyeroll. I save like a thousand bucks and get the same toolset now.

Back in 2003 when I switched it wasn’t the same. Linux was terrible as a Desktop (ie Laptop) but I was always using it on the server. Windows as the cheaper alternative wasn’t Unix so it was a huge pain in the ass to get my toolset working, costing me in hours, which translated to money, and OSX was a fair trade off.

Now everything on a Ubuntu laptop is quite good, my music apps are there now too, OSX is morphing into iOS which isn’t interesting to me…

Good times.

It looks like ubuntu is moving into the mobile world:
I know some have poopood the idea of renoise developers spending time on a mobile compatible version, but maybe the new ubuntu expansion will make the issue moot. I am curious to know if renoise would/will run on the mobile ubuntu OS.
At this point, I can’t tell if the new mobile OS is available or just in the promotional stage. But since I can’t find a download link, I suspect its still just in promotion.

Renoise = compiled for x86

Ubuntu Phone = ARM

No dice. Although Ubuntu is talking about eventually only one OS being distributed that works on all platforms, I’m pretty sure that it would just detect the CPU and load the appropriate kernel, ie, you won’t be running x86 programs on an ARM platform.

I’ve seen guides to getting Ubuntu Phone running on, for example, the N7000 Galaxy Note, but since mine is on offer to my girlfriend after I upgraded to the N7100, I can’t play in that playground :(

I’m thinking about it. It’s hard for me to give up U-he’s stuff though.

Nope. Actually Microsoft seems to have done that with Windows 8. Steve Jobs said long ago that there would never be touch screen macs: Steve Jobs: Touchscreen Laptops Don't Work

Apple avoids feature bloat (as they have always done) and has unified a few programs to make OSX and iOS work together better, but they aren’t going to turn OSX into iOS. I don’t really see the problem there.

But in any case, Ubuntu is quite a nice OS when it works.

I upgraded to 13.10.

So yeah, I’m going to do this for another 9 months (Until 13.10 stops getting updates) but then I’m out. I said I would do 3 years of Ubuntu at the start of this thread but fuck that shit. I will make it to 2 at best. I’m looking for other distro suggestions.

My blog about this upgrade, and why it’s my last, here:


I can’t stand any Ubuntu variation past 12.04. I usually use Ubuntu Studio 12.04 with the KXStudios repos installed on top. That is for me so far been the most satisfied I’ve been with a Linux desktop.

I read your Blog. I have pretty much the same feelings as you towards Unity. On the surface, I really like Unity and what it’s trying to do but in practice it just feels like an invasive mess. Some of the issues you were describing I don’t experience in 12.04 although I most certainly did in 12.10 and up. Ever since 12.10 I’ve had some serious graphical issues. To get my NVIDIA card to install I’d have to jump through all these freaking hoops just to get my goddamn video card to work. After like 4 hours of stress I finally get the damn thing to work and something else would go wrong.

On my laptop I had Ubuntu Studio 13.04 installed and it worked without hiccups. But this was because I didn’t have to install any drivers any video cards or anything. On my desktop however it’s just been a nightmare.

But in all honesty, Linux Audio is just frankly not quite stable enough for me to consider it a viable option as a primary OS. I hope some day it does because if it was I would be using it instead of Windows. I feel at home in my XFCE environment, but I can’t open Maschine or Studio One. Although I do get to use Renoise I can’t use any of my favorite plugins.

Just my two cents.

If you don’t mind a bit steeper learning curve, I would highly recommend arch linux. Basically you get to choose nearly everything you want to have installed in your system, so you can suit your os perfectly for your needs. plus it’s a rolling release distro, so you’ll always have latest versions of everything, unlike on ubuntu. They also got mostly great wiki and active and helpful forums.

Mint 15 mate 64 bit here. Use renoise with alsa and only internal dsp and samples. No plugins. Works fine.

mate 1.6 works way better than unity shit.

I try to avoid running any script as root if I can avoid it. Since I’m the only user on my machine I try to install under my own home folder; I’ve been burnt by scripts that decide to update or otherwise alter core libs when run as root.

So, with Renoise I edited the install script to replace all references to /usr/local with $HOME/usr/local. I then make sure the resulting bin is on my path (though in this case ~/usr/local/bin is already there).

Alternatively don’t use ubuntu. It’s a nasty distibution. Lots of bugs, adolescent community. I steer well clear.

Canonical (the company behind ubuntu) actually tried to shut that site down with some nonsense legal threats (link).

then they keep wondering why open source community doesn’t seem like them…

Slackware, man.

I like Unity. I don’t think it’s shit. I think it’s good. My problems aren’t with that.

Instead, I wish they would find a real compromise that addresses the FSF backlash against the remote scopes (which I agree with), not burn (too many) bridges with MIR, and make a “DESKTOP MODE” as a primary concern in the “CONVERGENCE VISION,” by not breaking the parts of the OS people use to get work done. IE. Take a page out of the OSX book: Make a solid desktop that early aught Slashdot readers flocked to (because Linux on a laptop, frankly, sucked up until recently). Then, don’t wreck it too bad. Then, on the side, make a phone. Then, converge the two.

Right now I’m thinking of giving KDE a chance. Anyone use OpenSUSE?

“Right now” being ~9 months from now.

I wiped out my Ubuntu partition and replaced it with Xubuntu 13.10

I’m feeling much better now :)

Try mint mate edition. Even better.

I have just tried out KXStudio. Its the first Distribution that works fine with my hp probook and my m-audio soundcard (Fast-Track-Pro sucks with windows too). It was the first quick and dirty tryout. I like the tools, they are preconfigured well.
I don’t want much more night configuration sessions (Windows 8 Upgrade Install, Clean Installation, all Updates, Install all Plugins… a nightmare).

I mentioned elementary OS already, didn’t I?