It’s a well-made tracker, lots of great synthesizers built in. Still doesn’t do chords like Renoise, though. They’re keeping it solely in the chiptune style - mono everything. A neat tracker, though. Clean, different than Deflemask in a few small ways. Sounds nice to my ears - clean!
you should understand that the project is developing and has its own forum on github. I would pay attention to it in terms of suggesting ideas. in general, the very idea of working with the synthesizer part may well be well optimized, which we would like
I am well aware of that and not being critical.
At least Furnace Tracker users have hope to have new version instead of… khm…
Are the usability problems fixed already?
I think you should try! updated today
Very fun, improved a lot.
While searching for sth to create sid-stuff I found this tracker today. NICE
does Furnace Tracker feature some pattern editor shortcuts or features that are not in Renoise?
i’m mostly interested in if i could find information about what Furnace Tracker does, Pattern Editor command-wise, that isn’t in Renoise. I do realize Furnace Tracker is for sids+chips so that’s already different from Renoise.