I was just wondering how to get them sound so long (and kind of snappy). I mean like that dance music snares - all I do just sound sooo short.
Here’s a link with the example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwjN-Y0ARYI from 1:25. Is it just by the sample (but I never found a sample like this) or it is done by timing more snares or some reverb end?
Help me please I’m trying to make snare like this for a long time…
I didnt click on the above yutube you linked and i probably havent heard that song, but im just going to take a shot in the dark and say why dont you play around with different snare samples and experiment with reverb settings, then play the renoise’s gate dsp.
try a dsp chain something similar to this, and play around with the settings:
compressor (very high ratio, then lower the treshold and play with attack till you find the sweetspot)
or… move the reverb after the compressor if you prefer
Yes, I’d like my snares enlarged. But please dont send me a coupon for dutch tracne cd, I don’t want my ears contracting HIV and die of AIDS 10 years later.
That’s what I’m picking up too. One more addition I’d use to finish the job is to delay the snare track every so slightly (getting it to sound correct is very much sensitive to the shortness of the delay). It gives the effect of a very hard initial compression, as you get the initial snap of the clap contrasting against near-silence, and then the snare bursts up as if it were “pushing up against” the compressor.