Dear Renoise Community,
Because of the great success we have with our Mastering Service and regarding that a big part of our customers are coming from the Community around Renoise, we want to thank you and give away 3 COMPLETE FREE Masters (one Song per Client). If you wanna be one of this lucky clients you have to be fast and write a email to with the code: XARCRENOISE030703
The first 3 emails including the correct code will receive Mastering of one complete song for free. As usually the course of law is impossible.
Similar offers will follow in the future, so stay tuned for the next time if you are not one of this 3 clients this time. Free Trials are still available for everyone, you will get a part of your song completly mastered and in the output format you like (f.e. 44khz 16bit WAV). Be sure to checkout our webpage frequently for more free offers.
XARC Mastering