As i’m a beginner i’m wondering what you guys think about remaking existing songs as a practice?
I’m sure some of you guys done this!
Am I right?
As i’m a beginner i’m wondering what you guys think about remaking existing songs as a practice?
I’m sure some of you guys done this!
Am I right?
Yeah sometimes it’s nice to attempt doing something like that.
Just to get an idea of how to create a certain mood or style and also for the challenge of getting the instruments matching.
I usually don’t release those training-songs. But here is a rare one i did release:
Yeah of course, especially if you’re all out of ideas for composing something new… which happens to me a lot lately Sometimes i’ll add my own ideas, and little by little change it to the point that it does turn into an original tune, or at least parts of it =)
Vv: nice sounds in that one, especially the lead synth! The tune sounds vaguely familiar, but i can’t remember where it’s from…
when I am out of ideas, I usually remake my very old songs I did when I was using FastTracker, starting from the XM file loaded into Renoise. The starting is quite tedious since I have to rearrange all the notes in tracks and groups, but then the fun starts: experiment with new instruments and try to expand melodies and structure.
I usually manage to complete these kind of projects and release the new song; sometimes they are similar to the original, but most of the times new parts emerge from the old structure and a couple of times the new length of the song resulted to be three times bigger than the original…!
I started out not doing any remixes or covers, but have been doing more and more recently. I think it is really good production practice as it gives you more experience reproducing certain sounds and/or moods. Now, I try to do a balance of original stuff and remixes/covers. I have also started using poetry of others as lyrics in original music. This allows me to focus on the aspects of production that I am more interested in rather than lyric writing. Just some thoughts…most important part is just having fun and doing what you like.
I believe in doing covers (which I’d expect most people to keep private) as a way of staying “in shape” and practicing, as well as for figuring out your own way to create a certain sound.
Although there are always exceptions, if a person is to release a cover I would expect some attempt to alter the original material to suit the person making the cover- I’m disappointed when I hear a 1:1 cover, even if it’s a difficult song with all the notes right.
Where’s that old Hunz .xrns album download when you need it
Is it still available for download somewhere??? I’d love to have a look!
That’s so weird! It’s a tune I’ve had in my head for days as this horrible British winter drags on… It’s The Korgis - Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime. There’s been looooads of house/trance remixes of it though. Marc et Claude did probably the most famous ones around 2000