Greetings And My First Upload!

Hi, I just purchased Renoise today after playing with the demo for a while, I used to tinker with FastTracker2 about 10 years ago and Renoise brings tracking bang up to date for me and I’m loving it.

So anyway after purchasing Renoise first thing I did was render a track I wrote to learn how Renoise works.

Have a listen and see what you think……/The%20Yeti.mp3

(You might be wondering about the track name, well if you ask nicely I’ll explain…)

Welcome to Renoise! This takes me back to that early 90s sound. It’s nice.

Hey MookJong, and welcome.

Well, I am assuming it is ok by you if I post my honest opinion here.

This is of course not to say I can do any better, but just to point out some of the things I would have tried if it was my track.
The lead synth (the one that comes in after 1 minute) sounds too stiff. I would try to replace it altogether, or give it some character with velocity changes, equalization or delay.

BUT overall, it is enjoyable I must say.
I like the gated saw pad in the beginning. Gated pads are my favorite element in any song I think :)

Keep it up and I hope I was not too direct.

I forgot to “bite”: Whats with the name? :)

Wow, what fantastic feedback!

I really appreciate what you’ve said Icarus lots of food for thought there.

The name of the song came from a recent camping trip. One of my friends went into the forest to pee in the middle of the night. He came back claining there was something in the trees moving about and for the rest of the trip we talked about there being a Yeti in the woods…guess you had to be there.

heh :)