I have nothing to say.
Maybe you can say what you think about that song:
Embedded it for you. It’s not very intuitive, but in order to embed soundcloud songs here you have to remove the “s” in “https” and enclose the link in media tags like so:
ROFL ok so the first time I listened to this, I was like oh god that’s alot of lofi mat. I thought it was some weird experimental heavily bitcrushed ambient piece. Then like 30 minutes later I was doing something and I got an error message and the tone it played was super bit crushed and warped, and I realized my sound was just messed up and I had to unplug and replug my audio interface to fix it.
Upon a second listen, completely different song.
I think guitar is tricky, because a human playing a guitar is really dynamic and it would be really difficult to emulate without sounding kind of uncanny.
And thanks for the embedded
Thanks to Native Instruments.
Here is the reaktor player in the Factory Preset are two Guitars, Jass Guitar and Rock Guitar.
Try them.
And the Drums are from Sennheiser, Drumica:sennheiser.com/drummica