i love dancing and i would love to have something like this for live performances. especially since i am in the process of building a dance pad that will be wired up to a sampler, where i step on panels on the pad and it triggers drum hits, if i could do the beat with my feet, and play the music with my arms at the same time… that would be a pretty cool performance.
If they want to sell any of these things, they really need to invest in producing some better demo videos for the website. The rig looks really interesting but I was not excited at all by anything that geezer was “showing off”.
i couldn’t get the demo video to play, so all i have seen is the pictures.
still. it looks awesome.
in response to "But it looks hard to get the timing right. " … it’s hard to get the timing right on a guitar, piano, clarinet, anything. it just requires practice to become proficient. i think that given a comparable amount of practice with gypsymidi, you could become very proficient at playing it too