Well, today is the day
happy b-day taktik!
hope you have a blast and have fun…
but remember, don’t drink too much, community needs that brain heheh
Well, today is the day
happy b-day taktik!
hope you have a blast and have fun…
but remember, don’t drink too much, community needs that brain heheh
Congrats Taktik
schoene gruesse zum neunundzwanzigsten(?) geburtstag!
Happy Birthday
allet jute wünsch ick
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Hoffentlich geht alles Gute. Sehr viel dank fÜr Renoise Tracker! Es functioniert gute und macht spaSS. Viel GlÜck!
bueck dich du geiles stueck und lass dich druecken! alles gute man!
Thank you guys.
schoene gruesse zum neunundzwanzigsten(?) geburtstag!
Hey I`m not THAT old !
Happy Birthday TakTik !!!
Buon compleanno!
Ora fila immediatamente a programmare
all the best from me too. and call next time you come around here and I buy you a beer or something
happy birthday taktik.
go get drunk + someone pregnant!
alles jute auch von den FREIDEUTERn especially von mir
Hächzlichen Glückwunsch Taktik! Jubel, jubel, freu, freu
Buon compleanno capo supremo della comunità…
Come dice It-Alien, chiuditi nella tua cameretta a programmare e non pensare a d ubriacarti, alle donne e al resto… veniamo prima noi!!
Happy birthday
sono d accordo !! , 100 di questi anni chiuso in cameretta ingobbito davanti al monitor
Gratulerer med dagen!
Buon Compleanno Taktik a nome di tutta la comunità italiana che usa Renoise!
Happy Birthday !!!
Meinen herzlichsten und alles Gute zum Achtundzwanzigsten! (<-- GUESS )