If you’re still shopping around I also recommend the AKG K240 headphones. Very flat response and they don’t need an amp.
Think I will check out, test the recommendations from this thread today (beyer & akg), as I seem to have blown up one side of my headphones , a Technics rp f880 I’ve been using for years.
They Sound very clean are good for mastering. Anyhow Sound should prelisten if you like them.
Can recommend nur unfortunately lost them and looking for another. But for dj use… i found akg k81 dj, maybe so. Have them?
i have the Sennheiser eH 350 which sound fairly balanced to me but i only use them to double-check that there isn’t anything wrong with the samples or to avoid unintentional high frequencies and distortion that is painful to listen to (i can’t seem to hear some of the details with my monitors).
they are quite cheap but i wouldn’t rely on them for mixing/mastering. i personally like that they are easy to wear for long periods of time tho.
Been on a listening mission today and checked out some of the recommendations here, but ended up going for Audio Technica ATH - T500 because of the good price/quality ratio / way it sounded, subjective taste surely, but I liked em a lot better than a bunch of Senheisers & akg’s in the 150 euro price range and the Beyer Dynamic 990 pro, listening to the same tracks. The Beyer being the most expensive one, having much more bass (emphasized?) and a broader stereo field, probably less tiring after hours of listening, but too expensive imo, compared to the audio technica which sounds flat and direct.
Fair enough, well done for actually going and testing rather than just going on recommendations. Although the fact that headphones do take quite a long time to burn in and thus the sound will change quite a lot from what you hear when you first open the box. Heard good things about the Audio Technica but not listened to them myself…
If you can spare the money, you could try a Sennheiser HD 800… it is pretty pricy though, certainly not for those who cannot afford AKG K240’s. ($1.500 stock price)
AKG K242s here, which I think are basically the same as the K240, but marketed towards consumers. And I love them. Before that I had Beyer DT990 pro’s. I know that these are often named as the best headphones, but personally, I like the AKGs better and I think that my mixes have improved since I’ve had them. The Beyers are probably more detailed, but I just like the way the AKGs sound. Also, in the 2.5 years that I had the DT990, two drivers died for no apparent reason. The first one took them months to repair, the second one died just a few months after the warranty had expired.
Just to give my input too - I have now bought myself a pair of Porta Pros. The soundquality is way over the pricerange considering that I bought ‘em for only about 25 Euros. Of course I’m gonna get some better ones in the future, but still this (I think) is a pretty good deal to the price!
The sound is great, don’t know how great they are for mastering, but still pretty clean and good bass.
A minus is that they aren’t closed, so people can pretty easily hear the music too and get pretty annoyed if staying close too … But that’s not ma’ problem!
If you are the only one in the surrounding using them and no-one else around, open headphones don’t wear you out. You can do hours in one session whereas with closed headphones you usually get sore ears, sweaty ears and tired hearing.
I really prefer open above closed ones imho.
seem to? test out another set of headphones. you may get lucky and find its only one of your ears that have blown up and your phones are fine.
heh, no I’m pretty sure one side was blown, tested it with other headphones.
Saw this posted on another forum;
+1 for the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro. Got them from my uncle for christmas a couple of years ago, and i absolutely love them
THIS. I also use some cheapo 30€ headphones (originally for drummers) that’s far from linear. It lifts bass and mid, i use them to see if it punches well. In comparison to those, the bass of the DT770 Pro sounds a bit whimpy (but cleaner!).
I also wanted to add that there are two variants, 80 Ohm & 250 Ohm. If you’re using some standard sound card, the 250 Ohm may be too quiet.
Dude! 300€?!
Where do you live? The price i get is 149€ for any of the DT 770/880/990…
What’s your budget? If you are looking for production headphones as i assume, i wouldn’t recommend to get anything much lower than 100€. There are some cases which are ok.
Considering the price, these are great option. I have those ones and i can recommend them for low budget.
I assume you’ve all heard of Headroom? (Website http://www.headphone.com ) which has measurements of most headphone you can think of with frequency response, distortion, impedance and square wave responses charted and displayable against each other.
EG: DT770, DT880, DT990 Frequency Response comparision.
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I’m using AKG K518DJ black edition, the sound is really great for the price. For bedroom hobbyist studio, it’s a good deal in my opinion. Just one thing to know : they are tight, especially on my big head
I’m using Shure srh440, which is a closed back solution. This is because my ‘studio’ is just a nook in the living room… It’s my first pair of non-cheap headphones, so I’m no expert, but I’ve been really pleased with them so far. Cannot use them for extremely long sessions, though; the tightness/sound isolation (which is VERY good) will give rise to ear fatigue…
I bought the Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro based on Carmazine’s and others posts without doing any research first…
I’m absolutely thrilled with them. They are beautifully engineered, super comfortable and produce fantastic sound.