Hi everyone on this forum!
I am a new member here, I registered today.
I would like to show you a music, which was made by me.
Short history:
The name of this song is ”Heart Of A Weed”, which was written in 2001. I used Amiga 500 computer and Pro-tracker software. Pro-tracker was one of the first trackers at that time, it worked in only 4 channel.
After my ”Amiga period” I tried some trackers on PC (Open ModPlugTracker, Fast-tracker, and so on…) but – according to my experience – the best possiblities was given by the Renoise tracker to make music.
I remixed this song with Renoise tracker and some VSTi plugins and I made a video, which was uploaded to youtube site.
Please listen to it.
Type of this music: Hard music
Thank you.
(Short note: This material is owned by me and kept by law.)