Help , alpha testing zebra 3 ,gui issues

I have a serious issue in renoise , I am alpha testing zebra 3 but the header of the plugin is out of reach
I can’t move it around , I tried scaling the gui down it down but no luck , doesn’t happen in reaper .
I can’t post screenshots since I have signed an NDA

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What Window Manager are you using?
Which OS?

I managed to make by opening closing thegui in the pattern editor
But , upon first launch the header is never visible becaue it automatically defaults to 100% ( which is too big for my screen ) .

Right on, good find; surely may help them knowing about it!

Sure , been bussy on the beta forum .

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As you wrote it is an alpha version. Alpha versions still have many bugs. Don’t wonder if it makes problems. Alpha testing is a pre state of beta testing to find and solve bugs before going to beta testing where then the last issues will be searched and solved. So don’t wonder and wait.
If you have troubles with an alpha you first should report it to the plugin’s developer before asking here.

Believe me, i’m also a plugin developer. I also released the one or other plugin where people had issues in their DAW, while others didn’t. After updating my plugin with fixes also these issues were gone for these people.

Exactly. If this is a problem in Renoise, they will contact us.

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