I think I can contribute a bit more data here.I have detected that I have a small problem with some Unicode icons, which is easy to solve. In fact, I plan to replace all unicode icons with images and not use unicode. So this will not be a problem.
It seems that Renoise does not return any problems if any Unicode icon is rendered wrong, it simply does not look good.So, we can ignore what happened with Arial Unicode. There is the problem of this topic.
To avoid confusion, I have followed the advice of Danoise, isolating the function “autopattern()” as much as possible.I created a clean xrnx, which only charges this function. I attach a ZIP with the files for the tests:
The container include:
- ulneiz.AutoPattern_v1.0.xrnx ( the isolated tool with the function autopattern() )
- Log_1_Start_Renoise.txt (clean, only the charge of Renoise and the tool “ulneiz.AutoPattern_v1.0.xrnx” )
- Log_2_With_Crash_Undo.txt (incluye the crash, probably caused by “song.sequencer:insert_new_pattern_at( song.selected_pattern_index + 1 )” ???)
- Untitled_1_28_2017__15_9_crash.xrns ( the crash xrns )
The complete Log_2.txt (original Log.txt --> “C:\Users\DF-85\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.1.0\Log.txt”):
Version : Renoise V3.1.0 (Jan 9 2016)
Date : 2017-01-28
Time : 15:07:11
OS : Windows 10 (x86_64)
CPU: Found 1 enabled unit(s) with 4 core(s) and 8 logical processor(s) per unit. 4 cores, 8 logical processors are enabled in total.
Application: Showing the splash window...
Application: Initializing the API...
IPP: Detected CPU type: 0x46
MIDI: Initializing DirectMusic...
MIDI: Failed to get the DirectMusicPerformance Interface (error: 80040154). Skipping DirectMusic devices...
Graphport: Initializing Freeimage...
System: Using 'C:\Program Files\Renoise 3.1.0\Resources\' as resource base directory...
GraphPort: Initializing DirectX...
GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine...
ReWire Slave: ReWire engine link (Local Machine) is already installed and up to date...
ReWire Slave: ReWire engine link (Current User) is already installed and up to date...
ReWire Slave: ReWire Panel was initialized...
ReWire Slave: ReWire Slave mode failed to init (no master is running)...
ReWire Master: Successfully opened
Timer: Seems safe to use the 'QueryPerformance' counters...
Application: Start running...
Application: Loading the preferences...
Application: Init...
ScriptingTools: Initializing Scripting Tool: 'C:\Users\DF-85\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.1.0\Scripts\Tools\ulneiz.AutoPattern_v1.0.xrnx\'...
DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects...
DirectSound: Initializing...
DirectSound: Using SampleRate 48000
DirectSound: Primary Buffer Format: FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=48000, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateObjects ... OK
DirectSound: Using MaxProcessingBlockSize: 1792
DirectSound: Output Buffer Format: BufferSize=96000, FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=48000, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateBuffer ... OK
DirectSound: Up and running
MIDI: Enumerating Windows MME MIDI devices...
MIDI: Adding MME out-device 'Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth'
MIDI: Finished device enumeration
MIDI: Creating MIDI server...
Application: Creating a new document...
MIDI: Loading MIDI actions from file 'C:\Program Files\Renoise 3.1.0\Resources\Scripts\GlobalMidiActions.lua'...
Osc: Loading OSC actions from file 'C:\Program Files\Renoise 3.1.0\Resources\Scripts\GlobalOscActions.lua'...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating slave threads...
Player: 8 threads enabled. 8 CPUs are available.
Player: Start running...
GUI: Creating the Document GUI...
GUI: Successfully constructed
Application: A new document was created.
GraphPort: Initializing in WindowedMode
GraphPort: Successfully initialized
Application: Init OK
Application: Enter MainLoop...
CrashLog: Handling Exception! Code : C0000005
CrashLog: 0000000140957EE8: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +779618
CrashLog: 0000000140A5BF2E: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +87D65E
CrashLog: 0000000140A2355B: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +844C8B
CrashLog: 000000014045E46D: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +27FB9D
CrashLog: 00000001404701CB: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +2918FB
CrashLog: 0000000140471062: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +292792
CrashLog: 00000001404A6684: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +2C7DB4
CrashLog: 00000001404A4020: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +2C5750
CrashLog: 00000001404A40E6: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +2C5816
CrashLog: 000000014046B78D: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +28CEBD
CrashLog: 00000001405922E3: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +3B3A13
CrashLog: 000000014057973E: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +39AE6E
CrashLog: 00000001402A8EDA: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +CA60A
CrashLog: 00000001402A8E15: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +CA545
CrashLog: 00000001403CA20A: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +1EB93A
CrashLog: 00000001405DD7F0: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +3FEF20
CrashLog: 00000001406AA268: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +4CB998
CrashLog: 00000001406AA3E6: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +4CBB16
CrashLog: 00000001405DF9CA: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +4010FA
CrashLog: 0000000140555082: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +3767B2
CrashLog: 0000000140572B22: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +394252
CrashLog: 00000001406A9B03: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +4CB233
CrashLog: 00000001406A9BB3: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +4CB2E3
CrashLog: 0000000140572B22: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +394252
CrashLog: 000000014056654C: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +387C7C
CrashLog: 00000001405A2AE8: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +3C4218
CrashLog: 00000001405612A5: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +3829D5
CrashLog: 0000000140566376: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +387AA6
CrashLog: 0000000140269493: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +8ABC3
CrashLog: 0000000140268FED: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +8A71D
CrashLog: 0000000140269506: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +8AC36
CrashLog: 0000000140BBC8DE: l9_ippsSin_64f_A50 +9DE00E
CrashLog: 00007FF923A48364: BaseThreadInitThunk +00014
Application: Caught an unhandled fatal exception (Thread: GUI)!
Application: Saving a backup...
Error Message: A fatal error or crash occurred (unhandled exception in thread: GUI).
Error Message: A backup of the current document was saved at
Error Message: 'C:\Users\DF-85\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V3.1.0\CrashBackups\Untitled_1_28_2017__15_9_crash.xrns'...
Error Message: This either happened because of a bug in Renoise, or because of a bug in one of its loaded components (plugins). Please contact <bug@renoise.com> and report this problem, so that it can be fixed.
Error Message: Note: It's very important that we know exactly what has happened (what you were doing before this message popped up), or the problem cannot be replicated/analyzed. Please include a description of what you were doing and which components were being used...
Another detail:I did the test by removing the line:song.sequencer:sort(), and the error continues.It seems to cause this function:
function autopattern( song )
song = renoise.song()
local function autopattern_enable( no_lines )
if song.transport.edit_mode == true and --(5)
song.transport.follow_player == true and --(4)
song.transport.playing == true --(3)
if song.selected_pattern_index == #song.sequencer.pattern_sequence then --(2)
song.sequencer:insert_new_pattern_at( song.selected_pattern_index + 1 ) --insert new patterns automatically
song.transport.edit_mode_observable:add_notifier( autopattern_enable ) --(5)
song.transport.follow_player_observable:add_notifier( autopattern_enable ) --(4)
song.transport.playing_observable:add_notifier( autopattern_enable ) --(3)
song.selected_pattern_index_observable:add_notifier( autopattern_enable ) --(2)
renoise.tool().app_new_document_observable:add_notifier( autopattern )
Is there a problem with this?
if song.selected_pattern_index == #song.sequencer.pattern_sequence then --(2)
song.sequencer:insert_new_pattern_at( song.selected_pattern_index + 1 ) --insert new patterns automatically
I hope this information helps you better to find the error…Remember that the error is caused by using CTRL + Z (undo, or menu/undo) repeatedly after recording live using the autopattern() function.
Note : from now on I will keep the log.txt file in mind to avoid possible problems with my GT16-Colors tool.