Help Out A Fellow Renoiser

Since my band No Repair is Renoise driven this looks like a good place to ask for help
(I decided to recycle this topic to keep spamming to a minimum)

You can help my band with just a couple of mouse clicks!

  1. go to
  2. click on band # 19 No Repair
  3. click vote below the list

That’s it!!!
and do it on as many locations as you like while the vote is based on the IP adress

Thank you!

Did it. Will do it when I get home as well. God, I’m such a nice person.

dun :)

just like that!
nice track btw

done, good luck :yeah:

done :)


Maybe it’s just my computer, but… ehm… where exactly is the vote-button? :unsure:

Nevermind… I figured it out.

You got my vote. :)


Done! Goodluck!

I love you guys!
We are now ranked #6!
almost there!

Done. But you’re still #6 for the moment :(

Why not ask the same in that facebook renoise fan page BYTE-Smasher has setup yesterday? 303 fans could bring you to the next level. :dribble:

did it !


Great Idea just did that!

Wrong group… but I added a post to the new Renoise page that updates on everyone’s news stream: Redirecting...

See that I’m not totally against the use of facebook, eh… mass hysteria is ideal for voting contests :lol:
Ranked #4 already, go go go!

We just entered the top 3!!!
I can’t thank you guys enough!!!
best community ever!