Help Out A Fellow Renoiser

You won?! Awesome! Congratulations!

I hate spamming, so to limit the damage I start this voting call in the same topic.

No Repair is one of the 10 out of 100+ bands that may open for Brian Welch the ex guitarist of KoRn!!!
please, if you still have some voting power go here:

Vote No Repair, and make us and Renoise grow.

Very easy, no login requiered.

Thank you all so much!!!


voted No Repair!

I doubted to give my vote to Ostend Powers, because they come from the town I live in, but hey… they don’t use Renoise :lol:


EDIT:if you win please get me brian "head"Welch autograph

hes awesome

I updated the first post to the new contest.

vote, we are 2nd now!
thank you all for your awesomeness!!!

I decided to recycle this topic to keep spamming to a minimum.
But i need your help to win another contest, we could play in a very good venue in the Netherlands!

You can help my band with just a couple of mouse clicks!

  1. go to
  2. click on band # 19 No Repair
  3. click vote below the list

That’s it!!!
and do it on as many locations as you like while the vote is based on the IP adress

Thank you!

kep voor je gestemd, maar je hebt dit keer meer hulp nodig zo te zien :)

sorry for the Dutch.

yes that’s true, this time we need every single vote we can get.
I would click for you if you need it :D

Thanks to all who are willing to click for us!