Hello guys,
this is not directly related to renoise, sorry for that - I would like to ask though, if you could perhaps help me with my diploma work,
I decided that I’ll be writing about virtual studio technology - but not only about steinberg plugins… I’m including renoise and trackers
in general to the work as well, as I think it’s a good opposition to standard multitrack softwares,
I would like to ask you, if you perhaps got some sources related to plugins mainly, that could be usefull, usually I can only find
marketing informations, and I’m not after that… if you at some time tried to write your own plugins, or know about some sources where
I could study and write about algorithms for example for filters, chorus etc could you link me ? or advice me ? anything else related
to the theme would be very appreciated too - documentation history tech stuff etc
thank you
and wish you productive and inspiring days