I have been seeing that it is relatively simple to execute commands with the LUA API to write or insert this and that, applying from a button, checkbox, valuebox, etc. But what happens when I want Renoise to return functions in certain cases, when reproducing what is happening in the song?
A concrete example:
When playing the song, the pattern editor reproduces a C-4 note on the first line of the first note column , in track 01 (a concrete position).
This note is “C-4”, at the time of starting the notefor return a specific function (a specific code for this), for example:
- That a button changes color with vb.views[‘xxx’].color
- The name of the note appears in a text box, or the desired text.
- Things like that…
If the note is D # 2, you must return another function, etc…
If possible with a note, I suppose it will also work with specific parameters, instrument, volume, panning, delay, effects…
If this were possible, I could do many things with the code.I’ve been studying the API, but I have not been able to go this way.
Is this approach possible with the LUA API? Any way to do it with a simple example?
Note: It happens the same with OSC Server.I do not get a code to return X function when OSC Server receives any message. I guess with OSC Server it is not possible, but perhaps the example of the pattern editor and a note is possible…