Highlight Spacing On Pattern Editor... Stops At 16!

OK, I have started working at speed 1 recently.

I want to be able to highlight every 24 lines (as this is what the beat falls on, for 4/4), but currently Renoise only goes up to 16…

Any chance this could be increased to allow for higher spacing values?

I realise I could stick it at 12 and have 2 highlighted lines per beat, but things are hard enough to follow at speed 1 as they are, without having 2 highlighted lines to contend with…

So, please increase the maximum amount of highlighted line spacing available in song settings.



I think the track zoom feature actually solves another thing for you. you won’t have to track at speed 1 anymore, you’ll just micro manage speed 3. :w00t:

Yeah totally. For the time being, my suggestion would be a quick enhancement to the current version…

In your case, I agree.
I track “normally”. :lol:

I use “normal” speeds like speed 03 / bmp 142.
So all the default loops fit in there and the tempo is easy to mix…