House/dance Music.. Need Some Inspiration

Hello fellow music artists

I want to make my first (filtered) house/dance track. Making beats is not the problem for me, I’m a sucker for making breakbeat songs. Anybody who can give me some pre composing tips on the arrangement and structure of this genre? Give me you thoughts

Also i could use some links of house/dance examples (not samples).
Thanx :D

Stream Digital Dancefloor
Also check the Renoise Song Section for Filter House and similar styles.

If you should need help with chords, just send me an eMail.

I would just like to say that your breakbeat stuff up on kicks ass.

Keep up the great work!


Thanx sonus… I apreciate that a lot! Do you also have your music on ctg?

Ok I finished a Housey Dancey track… But i couldnt help doing the breakbeats instead of the 4/4 kick all the time. It’s not exactly filtered house, it’s more like… oldskool. But i accomplished my goal: a house/dance track with some 4/4 beat.

Clickedy here