Just a question. I wonder how accurat the CPU-meter in the upper right corner in renoise is. The reason why I ask is when I play a pretty massive song (about 12-15 VST instruments) it is showing 20-25%, but if I at the same time look in Windows task manager the CPU-meter there is showing 50%-65%. Which of them is most accurat? Wich one shall I depend upon?
If I remember this right both are correct Renoise shows audio CPU time (not GUI) and task mananger the lot. As I understand it this is because GUI steals the rest of the processing power, up to certain point when it’s running on max frame rate of course.
ok to be honest I don’t quite understand what you mean… and the question still is which one shall I rely on when I make songs and do not want to peak the top that will result in a cacaphony
What CPU do u use??
This really depends on the hardware you are using. 50% free CPU power on a 2GHz machine is still more than a 500MHz CPU will ever have
Just test it to see what your computer can handle.
I have an AMD XP 1800+ with a Asus A7V333 and 1 Gig of 333Mhz DDR memory…
See topic [soundcard topic](http:// this-link-is-no-more-valid?act=ST&f=3&t=1564&hl=)
Your satisfied with your system???
Yes indeed I’ve put it together myself so I have chosen all the components that fit me best…Much memory and a fast CPU is essential when you want a music-computer. My system is alittle less than one year old and I hope it will be sufficient for atleast one or two years more before I have to update it…
hey twilek…
do you remember when we wer using the same old ST-xx series sampledisks, and 200kb songs were considered HUGE?
damn… we’re getting old…
but still rocking!
I “heard” that pentium is more stable than AMD is that true and whats the difference???
hehe, yes I remember, and I still have all thouse floppys somewhere…
One other funny thing is that my RAM is today 10 times bigger than my whole harddisk was in my old Amiga, and back then I thought I had a pretty big harddrive… lol
sure, AMD generates more heat than a pentium but with a good coolingsystem an AMD is as stable as a Pentium…
the biggest different is the price, an AMD-system is cheaper than an equal pentium-system, but an AMD-system needs better cooling and therefor can be more noisy than a pentium-system, but with a good and solid case you can even solve that problem…
I simply prefer AMD…
Ok thanks.
I’m not really into “computers” i appreciate all the help