How Do I Change My Membername On The Board?

by a visa/reg fault i have gotten the wrong name here on the community.

im tired of using my friends name here on the board. can someone .ADM
help me with this? change it from Magnar Heltne --> Vitaxin :unsure:

Really stupid to look at the old. 1.28 version at the splash screen.
My friends name… Every time. :blink:

board and renoise reg are two pair of shoes. Afair changing the boards nickname was related to hacking some sql statemens - which i would like to avoid when possible Since you dont have that many posts i would like to ask you to register for a new account on this board and dont use the old one anymore. I will delete orphaned accounts after several months.

Regarding your Renoise splashscreen… would you please be so kind and drop me a mal at support -a-t- renoise -d.o.t- c|o|m ? Otherwise i have forgotten it till tomorrow :)


:wacko: Working on something??? :wacko:

Thanks for superfast response on this, register new user. Will DO!
Splash Screen thing… No worries, i can look another way…


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IBForums Message

Sorry, an error occured. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don’t know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

We already have a member by that name, please choose another

You are not logged in, you may log in below

There seems to be a user by that name registered… it might be me that has tryed something in the past… but cant seem to remember the pw… :unsure:

any chance you can delete my old “vitaxin” account???
tryed to send me a password, but probaly to and old mail adress… :(

hi my name is, what? My name is… Magnar Heltne… NOT

i called myself Annide… one of my aliases… there, now its done!