How do I use Overtune Tool?

Theres a tool called Overtune that makes fm waveforms. I have no idea how the code language works, does anybody know? Only see a few examples of code on the forum for it but not any explanation. :pensive:

give a link,please

Haven’t got a clue. But maybe it’s a good idea to post such questions in the relevant tool thread.

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overtune is great!

you type your base equation into the first field.

you have

  • ramp up/down functions like : rd(T,n) , ru(T,n) with n being the slope value (n=1 is linear)
  • wave generating functions like : sin(), cos() and all the other trigos, saw(),squ(),tri(),pls() and some more
  • special functions like : fold/shape/clip(expression,factor) for distortion, rnd() for randomness etc…
  • also some other math functions like : abs(), flr() …

the generated sample is ((samplerate/basenote-frequency)* cycles) long.
so by default (with A-0 == 27.5 Hz) it would be 48000/27.5 = 1778 samples * the number of cycles (which you adjust with the # Time slider)

you have several variables you can use in the expressions:

  • X => 0 - pi*2 each cycle
  • XX => 0 - pi*2*cycle
  • T => 0 to 1 over the whole range
  • O => cycle

the second field allows an entry of another expression if N >= 2, which is then added to the base expression N times. This field allows for another variable: N which increases from 2 to N with every step.

so this one
STEP 2: 0
would be the same as
STEP 1: sin(X)
STEP 2: 1/N*sin(X*N)
N = 4

also there are some helper functions that generate waves additively or by multiplying them with a factor

sinsaw(X,4) would create the same as above
sinsqu(X,15) does a similar thing by adding sinewaves (15 in this case) to become a square wave
expsin(X,.5) exptri(X,4) will produce inflated or squashed sine/tri waves

and then

  • you generate the sample by having the textcursor active in a field and press return
  • you can save a default by having no textcursor active and pressing alt+return ( the base note isn’t registered)
  • you can more easily change the defaults by looking into the preferences.xml inside the tool folder and edit it

as you asked for fm, there is an fm function fm(a,b,c) as well as ring/amplitude/phasemodulation rm/am/pm(a,b,c)
the fm one I honestly don’t get, for the other ones put two waves as a and b and some factor for c
or you could just modulate the phase like this : sin(XX+sin(fq)*amp)

all available functions are accessible if you look at the source code of main.lua in the tool directory

among others there are

  • antiramps: ard(T,p) and aru(T,p),
  • a conditional function ite(a,b,c) :> if (X<pi) then sin(X2) else saw(X12)
    would be ite((X<pi),sin(X*2),saw(X*16))
  • sinsin(X,n) is a sine of a sine of a sine… n times

booleans don’t work as numbers 0 and 1
use modulo: % and floor function: flr() on N and O to get repetitive patterns

  • (flr(T*256)%32)/32 : play around with the values and use it as a ramp
  • sinsaw(X,(O%4)*2)*.5 generate this with different numbers of cycles

hope that helps a little

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Very incomplete manual
We are not deviners

Bad reference manual make me angry

i don’t understand. what is deviner?

aproximative manual

i was just giving an overview. I am not the developer. if you have detailed questions just ask.

A powerfull tool without a good manual is spoilt

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the developer has obviously abandoned it. so he will probably never write a manual either. but the tool is really useful nonetheless. I’d like to do tutorials on both overtune and the formula metadevice aimed at musicians without any math or code knowledge but that will take some time. so my first post is all you get for now. apologies!


Just give a list of all the functions you know
It will be a good starting point

thank you in advance

I’m a little silly
I have just to read the code of the tool😅

Thank you this is really helpful, just what i needed to start testing it out

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Yo thatd be really cool, you should definately do that. I havent even touched the formula device

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I think you are not on the right post to talk about GFX card