How to create a rotary encoder script?

hi, i’d like to use a 0…127 knob but so that renoise deals with it as if it was a increment/decrement rotary encoder?

Not sure how you imagine this working. You can certainly interpret midi cc messages as relative values from the last position and convert to the appropriate rotary message but at some point you reach the end of the physical knob and then what? Have a mode where you can turn the knob back to center without it affecting stuff?

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I guess ur right :slight_smile: i have an akai MPK mini v3 which has 8 Rotary knobs and they act as 0-127 but i wouldnt mind them acting as Rotary for a few things

I don’t have this model but I had a mk1 in the past which came with a configuration software where you could remap knobs and pads. Maybe the mk3 lets you not only remap knobs but also set them to act as relative vs absolute mode?

i mean i guess you would just do

“if value is equal to 0 increment it by 127, if value is = 127 decrement 127”

of course you would need to tweak that a lot as the pseudocode i gave you will infinitely loop (obviously) but it shouldn’t be that hard.

rather than hacking at this with scripts it would definitely be a feature that should be added to the midi menu in a renoise update as i have needed to set things as a rotary encoder before and then subsequently become very frustrated about it.

even something as simple as being able to use a rotary encoder to scoot through samples would be amazing and being able to map a rotary encoder to things like @esaruoho 's time-stretching script would be useful too.

@taktik please add this!!!