How to pitch down breaks whilst working at higher speeds?

Dblue’s method is as good as it gets. I came up with something a bit different recently. I’m not sure if you are after the same effect but I’m a big fan of slicing looped breaks using 0Sxx command as opposed to sequencing one shot slices. Not sure why but there’s something jungley for me about loading up a loop, syncing it and chopping & resequencing using 0S10, 0S20, 0S30 etc. But obviously that way you are limited to a single pitch.

Well not anymore! With this method you can get the same chopping workflow and do some extra cool shit!

How it works: You get a break. Sync it but preferably use a high LPB so that your loop’s length equals to 256 or 512 lines. (In my example I needed to use 64 LPB.) This isn’t strictly necessary but makes chopping the loop more straightforward later. Anyhow, then add slice markers. After that use dblue’s slices to pattern tool. Copy that pattern into a phrase. Turn on autoseek for all slices. Finally get back your project’s LPB to whatever you are normally using and start chopping!

This sounds same as chopping a synced loop but you can do a lot more. You can pitch it up & down as you like, envelope slices individually, effect them individually, add extra one-shot layers over your hits and line them up nicely using volume & delay column, duck your break under your reinforcement kick etc. etc.

I realized I should probably do a blog post about this to illustrate all possibilities but here’s a very rough example that I’ve made on crappy speakers. Hope this helps!