This will sound like a newbe question, but I have to ask. I just finished a song and want to use the mixer to make adjustments to my song. I went to the mixer and pressed record and moved the mixer sliders to make some changes, but the mix wasn’t being recorded. Am I doing something wrong? I just want to know how to make good use of the mixer.
The Post-fx gain can’t be automated. You could put a gainer device at the end.
Notice the Pre-fx / Post-fx toggle in the upper right. The tooltip there explains things a bit.
Ok. Is there a way to use the mixer to automatically control volume levels going up and down, while the song is in record mode.
Ok. Is there a way to use the mixer to automatically control volume levels going up and down, while the song is in record mode.
Without having record mode on, you can either record the volume slider changes in the mixer into the automation editor or into pattern commands in the pattern editor depending on an icon setting underneath the pattern editor (hover above the icons with the mouse pointer to get a hint on what they do).
Press play and go to the mixer, hold the right mouse button while making adjustments to the mixer sliders and stuff will get recorded. This right mouse click stuff holds true for panning & effect sliders as well, try it out!
You could also hook up a midi controller through ctrl+m keyboard shortcut and link some knob etc to a (mixer)slider and use the record function to record the changes.
Thanks, I’ll try that.
Thank you. I finally know how to use the mixer.