I’ve a several notifiers on different tracks (prefx_volume, prefx_pan, mute_state, solo_state). Can i remove all this notifiers ON ALL tracks by one command? Now i’m using next code for each track:
where fn - is separate function for each track. Troubles starting after i insert/remove tracks. It’s hard to code tracing channels movements (and looking for observed). Im prefer to kill all notifiers and setup new ones. Is it possible?
Theres a syntax in Lua to call functions with variable names. (eg functions stored in global space)
function foo1()
print "Foo 1"
function foo2()
print "Foo 2"
function foo3()
print "Foo 3"
-- rprint(_G)
for i=1,3 do
local x = 'foo' .. i
maybe you can do something clever like
for i=1,#renoise.song().tracks do
-- Be clever?
if __REPLACE_ME__:has_notifier(_G[x]) then
Watch out when creating a new song - trying to removing a notifier which is attached to a gone song would result in an error.
In such a case, you can safely skip removing the notifiers, and just define new ones, as the old song will never trigger the now-obsolete ones…