Hi, I have about 16 buttons in a GUI - how do I set their width so that it’s not set by the textual content of the button?
Also, is vb:slider really not the method of calling/creating a slider?
Hi, I have about 16 buttons in a GUI - how do I set their width so that it’s not set by the textual content of the button?
Also, is vb:slider really not the method of calling/creating a slider?
local vb = renoise.ViewBuilder()
local my_content = vb:column {
vb:button {
width = 100
vb:button {
width = "50%"
vb:slider { },
vb:minislider { }
local vb = renoise.ViewBuilder() local my_content = vb:column { vb:button { width = 100 }, vb:button { width = "50%" }, vb:slider { }, vb:minislider { } }
awesome! but i guess there’s a method of making a slider vertical, too?
Thanks a lot, though! i mean, i think there used to be some sort of example documentation going on where there were different types of sliders?
query, is there some way of making a global setting for vb:button ? so I don’t need to have 30 places have vb:button {width=50} for instance?
vb:button {width=50,
phew, was able to solve it
local globalwidth=50
local wikibutton= vb:button {width=globalwidth
The sliders will auto-adjust to vertical or horizontal depending on what width and height values you set.
hmm. i’m trying to figure out how to make a slider write to the pattern, i’m beating my head on the wall with this
local effect_slider = vb:column {vb:minislider{id="effectslider", width=30,height=127}}
function effectslide()
print (vb.views["effectslider"].value)
renoise.song().selected_track.delay_column_value = vb.views["effectslider"].value
what in the world am i missing here?
Delay column values would be in renoise.song().selected_pattern_track.lines[].note_columns[].delay_value
- renoise.song().selected_track.delay_column_value is invalid. Track objects store properties for the track (thru-out the song). You want to look at patterntracks instead, which stores things like note data per pattern per track.
Delay column values would be in renoise.song().selected_pattern_track.lines.note_columns.delay_value
- You might also have to convert the floating value output from the slider. Using math.floor should suffice. (Maybe I’m wrong, and this is done automatically)
Hi Joule, okay, I tried like this:
renoise.song().selected_note_column.delay_value = vb.views["effectslider"].value
But I’m not sure how vb.views then writes to it, or what kind of notifier or something i need to call when the id=effectslider slider content changes.
If you want it to auto-update whenever you move the slider, it’s easiest to use the notifier available in ViewBuilder controls.
vb:minislider {
min = 0,
max = 255,
notifier = function(v)
if renoise.song().selected_note_column then -- don't trigger error when in non-sequence track
renoise.song().selected_note_column.delay_value = v
(My opinion, above beginner level: ID’s are mostly useful if you do dynamic stuff or somehow need multiple things to happen in a badly structured code I consider them ad-hoc and prefer containing these things in class structures where vb objects are accessed directly via variables/properties)
If you want it to auto-update whenever you move the slider, it’s easiest to use the notifier available in ViewBuilder controls.
vb:minislider { min = 0, max = 255, notifier = function(v) if renoise.song().selected_note_column then -- don't trigger error when in non-sequence track renoise.song().selected_note_column.delay_value = v end end }
(My opinion, above beginner level: ID’s are mostly useful if you do dynamic stuff or somehow need multiple things to happen in a badly structured code
I consider them ad-hoc and prefer containing these things in class structures where vb objects are accessed directly via variables/properties)
Thank you, that totally made sense - I’m now able to map a slider to a specific place, in this case, panning_value. Now I guess it’s back to figuring out how to write to the effectcolumn amount, even if cursor is on notecolumn. thanks! this really helps. i had no idea how this was supposed to go, but you helped a great deal, Joule.