How to Use Polyphonic Aftertouch


I am trying to use my akai pads with polyaftertouch which I see are recognized in the midi monitor after activating polyaftertouch in the midi settings. My plan is to use the 12 Akai pad’s polyaftertouch to control 12 different effects parameters or macros

So as I understood Polyphonic aftertouch messages are basically velocity value changes before a note off message. I checked that and I can hear the loudness level of the loaded synth reacting to the polyaftertouch changes.

My conclusion was to use the velocity tracker meta module to route this signal to a parameter in the effects chain or maybe a macro control.

unfortunately the velocity tracker only reacts to the initial velocity data not the subsequent polyaftertouch velocity data.
What I could achieve was to use the velocity tracker signal in the modulation tab. I can see the polyaftertouch reacting constantly. but how can I get this signal into the effects tab…

Is there something I missed?

to reproduce:

  • new song
  • load basic waveform into instrument 0
  • test polyaftertouch in midi monior and with loudnesscontrol of the instrument 0
  • load bitcrusher 0%wet 0%dry
  • load velocity tracker into effect chain
  • route velocity tracker to bitcrusher wet mix and observe no reaction to polyaftertouch

br seb

so my solution is now to use puredata as a midi converter.

I convert the polyphonic aftertouch to control change messages and wire that to renoise with loopmidi. for all other messages its just a bypass.

this way i can use all 12 pads pressure as midi cc and they are freely assignable to every parameter in renoise.

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