How to write to a Instrument Plugin parameter?

Hi, I’ve managed to do a dump of a plugin’s parameters.

I’ve got a shortcut that opens that specific instrument plugin.

I’d like to set the parameters of that specific instrument plugin, namely, parameter 36, to be a specific amount.

How do I write to the plugin parameter, when loading it with a shortcut, please?

I have a tool, Alternator, that sets values on a Gain device.

It looks at the devices on a track and checks for a device name so it knows which gainer to modify (or it just changes the track’s volume).

The code might help you see how to get a list of a track’s devices, loop over them, check properties, and changer values.

hmm. Thanks! Yours seems to go through TrackDSP stuff. I’ve written a bunch of scripts that add VST/AU effect plugins into the TrackDSP, and am able to change their parameters no problem.

What I’m looking for, is how to write to the Plugin Instrument (the VST/AU Instrument) itself, change it’s parameters :slight_smile:

You can do it indirectly through the device * Instr. Automation. Change its parameters there from the API.

So if I create a plugin, I’d also need to create a * Instr Automation

invoke=function() loadnative("Audio/Effects/Native/*Instr. Automation") end}

but uhh how do I make sure that it selects the right plugin and the right parameters, though?

You can create a condition that checks “the name” of the VSTi.

VST / VSTi have a unique name.

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