I looked at the demo song on b2.5 by hunz, and noticed on almost every track there is a gainer set to -2dB - any hints as to why?
personally (PERSONALLY!) i find the gainer works much better than the fader for changing volume… maybe thats why?
Why is that?
when automating or just in general?
Might have something to do with the fact you can’t automate post faders and only pre.
Hunz mentioned something about that to me.
I use distortion and cutoffs to help flavor my tones. Running a gainer at the end of a chain before putting it to a send allows the output signal to have the same bite but now I can Automate turning it down as it runs to the send. (it’s the post / pre fader thing)
And secretly I am still learning renoise … I just use my ears and I like round numbers … hehe. I Often make mistakes and sometimes they create the best tones that inspire the direction of the track.
Thanks Anacrucix!