Hydra Device

First off all the new hydra device is awesome :slight_smile:

Now for the suggestions:

invert switch for both min & max values per parameter, so they are immediately flipped to the opposite min and max values.

scale option for the input slider

make the ā€˜scaleā€™ thingies automatable in the automation editor

an extra inertia setting/slider for the input slider. When set to a slow setting this would delay the effect the input slider has on the linked parameters.

a random button that randomly fills in the slots with the available track vstā€™s and parameters. Could make for some interesting comboā€™s.




You can simply flip Min and Max, this will invert the range.

I donā€™t understand why you need an extra scaling for the input if you already can scale the outputs?



  • stupidity!

i would dig this!

I think that a rightclick => ā€œrandomize valuesā€ applicable to every kind of DSP is more reasonable.


With values, you mean (randomly chosen) parameters from the already selected dsp/vst devices in the hydra? (Since the input slider is for the most part determining the values send, random values in the min max boxes could be an additional option) .

Thats cool with me, tho if one could hit a random-button and an empty hydra device could be filled (to the extend that is visible, meaning 4 outs at first) with a random selection of vst/dsp devices present in Track/dsp list then Iā€™d favor this.

menu options:
randomize specific parameters (additional dialog displays showing checkboxes /w params)

OR even better:
Thatā€™s right folks, just like photoshop can lock layers, we should be able to lock parameters in place. That way, a randomize function would leave whichever params we donā€™t want touched in place.

I wish they would let you span tracks with this. I am dreaming of all the crazy fun I can have with gates.

Imagine one channels gate set to ā€˜gateā€™, another channels set to ā€˜duckā€™. apply the same sound but with differing effects to both the tracks.
I guess that the internal communications between renoise devices has already been set in stone; I can only dream!

I really love hydra ā€¦been getting som p^retty complex stuff out of it ā€¦itā€™s just a pitty that the track flow is always serial ā€¦so you really need a lot of send busses if you wanna create some parallel routing effects =;
So why not give hydra a signal flow routing matrix ( like a tiny mixer inside to set up effects routings )
Cā€™montinka bouTiT :yeah:

Something Iā€™ve often stumbled upon why using the Hydra:
Devicechains do get now easily very complex with the hydra, so its would be even more important than before, if one could hide all the FX that you donā€™t wanna use/see at the moment -> collapsing them to only see the headers.

Either being able to collapse them or have a fold out big dsp page (extra ā€˜moreā€™ button in ā€˜track Dspā€™sā€™ tab :) )

Collapse them into ā€˜bookendsā€™ would look pretty neat. like a vertical version of the Reason collapsing.