Hymn Of Sirens

Pretty happy with this one. Hope you like it. :slight_smile:

I tended to hear this a little bit softer/less edgy variation…I suppose it’s just personal preference though :slight_smile:

I like it, especially the breathy pads and drums sounds nice. Not too fond of the ‘guitar’ sound though. :slight_smile:

Which synths are you using?

Quickly knocked together in Ableton. I suppose any half decent synth would do however TB. With you tagging ‘ambient’ and ‘chill’ I immediately think ‘soft’, ‘subtle’ wide ‘airy’ pad, soft perc (say Phil Collins, ‘In the Air Tonight’ thingy :slight_smile: ) Looking at the composition, you have a fairly standard little chord progression going, I just extracted that main part of it. The really really difficult thing though (I find) is trying to come up with a nice lead/melody to go with it.

[Edit:] Just going off topic… Taking the small lead section of ‘drunken synth tossing’, and putting a bit more ‘chip’ in :slight_smile:


for proper zoning-out-purposes you need to add more deeeeeeep reverb, and subtle delays imho. Would suit the tune well.

Quickly knocked together in Ableton. I suppose any half decent synth would do however TB. With you tagging ‘ambient’ and ‘chill’ I immediately think ‘soft’, ‘subtle’ wide ‘airy’ pad, soft perc (say Phil Collins, ‘In the Air Tonight’ thingy :slight_smile: ) Looking at the composition, you have a fairly standard little chord progression going, I just extracted that main part of it. The really really difficult thing though (I find) is trying to come up with a nice lead/melody to go with it.

[Edit:] Just going off topic… Taking the small lead section of ‘drunken synth tossing’, and putting a bit more ‘chip’ in :slight_smile:

Link is broken.

for proper zoning-out-purposes you need to add more deeeeeeep reverb, and subtle delays imho. Would suit the tune well.

Which edit or track are you talking about Ooopsy?

Edit: Here i made another version with more reverb and hopefully a bit better:

both :slight_smile: on the melody/pads to let them wave together, and maybe it being a bit timid of the bassdrum, but that is just the current mixing fad and not obligatory to make the tunes more spacy

My first impression on both your sc track as well as 4tey was it sounded kinda like aestetic comparable to…some cheap unprocessed midi tune or so, because of the lack of deep space in the mix.

OopslF…I mean oops!..not that its important really TB just an afterthought with ‘drunken synth tossing’, well the server didn’t like it the sound of it…we will try a different link :slight_smile:

OopslFly: Yep, I personally can’t comment on mixing and sound design (I know next to nothing about it), but I do know one thing Oops, I can tell you it took me a damn long time come up with just 8-12 notes :smiley:

both :slight_smile: on the melody/pads to let them wave together, and maybe it being a bit timid of the bassdrum, but that is just the current mixing fad and not obligatory to make the tunes more spacy

My first impression on both your sc track as well as 4tey was it sounded kinda like aestetic comparable to…some cheap unprocessed midi tune or so, because of the lack of deep space in the mix.

I think you posted while i edited the post or something so i’m confused now, you mean both mine and 4-tey’s version or both my two versions including the last one i just added?

Nevermind, i noticed you wrote the comment before i posted the track, so unless we’re in some time travel matrix i guess the comment was refferring to my first and 4-teys version. Phew.

yes, very good the soft edit takes the melody/harmony to a nice ambient space for me now, meeting expectations of the tags you installed to the thread. feels more “real” and intense for me now, could be even more to my taste, for example more refined on the percussion, but I know it gets harder and harder to keep clarity when reverb is cranked up…maybe also augmented with subtle delays to weave the notes into each other in a controlled way. great lush reverb btw, is it algorithmic?

It’s mpReverb. :wink:

And some multitap delay on the drums.

Glad you like it, maybe i’ll have a go and make some more tweaks to it later. I only spent a half an hour or so on the remix, but now it’s bedtime.

wouldn’t have thought about the mpreverb, I find it has cack combfiltery highs compared to silky pro reverbs, you seem to have circumvented the effect very well.