i can use redux in renoise, right?

renoise is currently my only DAW.

But redux in renoise should be totally fine, or am i missing something???



Yeah it works fine. It’s just a VST like any other and works in Mac, Linux, and Windows. Eventually Renoise will be updated to do everything Redux can do, except possibly the ability to have external .xrni’s (unless they add that to Renoise which would be great).

renoise is currently my only DAW.

But redux in renoise should be totally fine, or am i missing something???



It’s the same thing as entering “google” in google: You’ll destroy the universe! :badteeth:

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Trigger phrases with phrases and render xrni to xrni :badteethslayer:

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Sir, are you saying its unnecessary to buy Redux and wait for a Renoise upgrade instead?

Yes, I made the same “mistake” and asked for the devs to revoke my license, I destroyed all copies.

In Renoise 3 you can use phrases already and a lot of features from Redux are already in there.

Redux is for people that haven’t touched Renoise imho and use a different DAW.

Painfully but true.

If Redux would include unique features that are and will not be available in Renoise - Yes I would buy it (again).

Thats a bummer man. I got impatient and bought Redux. The main features i enjoy are the new DSP fx and the ability to use a phrase within a phrase. If the product indeed is targeted towards audiences from different DAWs and the new features will be implemented in the next Renoise update i would feel slightly ass molested sad. Were you able to get your license revoked?

Yes, by using the form in the backstage, I explained the situation and respectfully removed every file of Redux I have.

However a phrase within a phrase sounds usefull, and the legato playing style is only passive possible, not realtime without Redux.

Then again, yes, the devs wrote it out somewhere on this forum, too tired now to look it up,

Try to give Renoise some more love and save the money for when you need to renew your Renoise license.

Nevertheless, thumbs up for the devs for making Redux so that other DAW users can have a nice taste of Renoise :slight_smile:

Thats a bummer man. I got impatient and bought Redux. The main features i enjoy are the new DSP fx and the ability to use a phrase within a phrase. If the product indeed is targeted towards audiences from different DAWs and the new features will be implemented in the next Renoise update i would feel slightly ass molested sad. Were you able to get your license revoked?

Consider it an investment in the developing of Renoise, the money you spent will be used to keep Renoise/Redux alive and we all want that. :slight_smile:

If it’s a huge deal to you, i’ve seen people sell their license before so i think it’s possible.

Consider it an investment in the developing of Renoise, the money you spent will be used to keep Renoise/Redux alive and we all want that. :slight_smile:

If it’s a huge deal to you, i’ve seen people sell their license before so i think it’s possible.

Thank you for giving your opinion. Actually, the only time i feel like it would be somewhat of a deal is when opening this thread. The moment i open Redux i feel like if i went with the competition i would have bought something maybe not as intuitive, but for a lot more. So i do not regret my purchase at all.

I bought redux to support the devs. Maybe one day I will like to use it in logic… Although I hate samplers in general { used them all, halion, kontakt, mach5 and really do not miss any of these :X ). Imo its a bad workaround for daws that cannot handle samples properly by themselves.

I bought redux to support the devs. Maybe one day I will like to use it in logic… Although I hate samplers in general { used them all, halion, kontakt, mach5 and really do not miss any of these :X ). Imo its a bad workaround for daws that cannot handle samples properly by themselves.

I would buy a few Redux licenses etc. if the devs would “fix” the natural behaviour in the sample-editor…

Then again, I requested this feature for many years now, never got this happening :frowning:
I did got an honest answer from the devs, and while respecting that - I still keep dreaming that there at least is an attempt to fix the feature in the above link/post.