I’ve just come back from a helluva week on Roskilde Festival. One of the highlights was Saturday when Scream, Benga, and Shackleton combined their sets. The sound was massive (d&b speakers), the crowd all tired and wired, and the whole thing turned into an old-school rave toward the end of the Shackleton set. Simply one of the best experiences I’ve had with electronic music so far.
So if you catch them playing somewhere near you, don’t hesitate to go!
I can’t name 3 off the top of my head because I’m still a dubstep n00b in general, but FuX put me onto a really nice group recently called Broken Note: http://www.myspace.com/brokennoteuk
Check the tracks “Dubversion” and “Mortal Bass” on their myspace player (blech, I know).
They’ve also put up a mix set which has a lot of really nice tracks in it:
“Broken Note Dubstep Set Live @ SeasonFive Mix” http://www.mediafire.com/?nwxxoecynxz
I’m definitely more into this darker, heavier, atmospheric side of things!
shackleton is amazing! one of my favorite dubstep producers As far as heavy goes, check out zomby. his track “gloop” for me is about as heavy as it comes. also the ruskie remix of zomby’s track “spliff dub” on hyperdub, is incredible. It’s got a bit of a lofi, chiptune-ish lead but sounds so, dirty and ghetto at the same time. Its so simple, but i dont know how they do it!