My very first finished Renoise song, I thought sharing it with the community would be nice
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My very first finished Renoise song, I thought sharing it with the community would be nice
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I love the sounds u’ve used, very atmospheric and they together generate a quite intense sound. Very dancy, if thats even a word. I would play this if i were a dj. Atleast in my head i know that you have and will gain more skills with drums only by listening to this, and that, for me atleast is a good thing, u got the jive, funk, etc.
I wouldnt have use that much delay, atleast not on every lead and string. And the tempo change in the first part doesnt work with the delay. And i wouldnt have use a flat string like the one u use in 2:54 an onwards, funk it up with some phazers or something?
Aside from the good and evil parts of the song its nicely produced, perhaps a tad overdone, but still a good tune, keep it up!
Very many much good bestest DnB feel… This Shitz Dope…
You’ve probably already heard so much different opinions disguised as comments/reviews 'bout this track. But I’d like to add I really liked those high synths at 2:16 Killer sounds… you should build a complete track around that instrument…
and the (somewhat flat sounding ) synth at 3:00 is less but still sounds ok. just need some FX on them.
Good and clever use of vocal sample cutting. SQ is a little too dark or crunchy to work in a club, needs to be a more clear mix for that… but why is that important again?
Mash it up… I wonder: who can mash up the freakiest beats?
ill take that challenge
Cool build up but your xylophones sound fake, consider getting better a source. The drop at 1:10 is heavy and nice. Some of your drums need more verb. 2:10 is a nice moment. Your all up in the rave synths. The bandpass between 2:24 and 2:44 start off way too low considering the amount of bass going on all over the place, either start higher or add some treble. 3:07 drop works great. It sounds like are using the “follow the leader” sample from another track. Interesting use of if that is the case. For this style 4:16 is too short for this style. You need between 5:00 and 7:00 minutes to do a plate like this, at least from the DJ’s point of view.
With all that out of the way, it’s a great track . I put it in my iTunes rotation and will be archiving it for future use. Thanks for sharing.
This is some of the best 2-step I’ve ever heard, if not the best.
It just concentrates on raw track-writing energy rather than nodding at every other dnb producer out there. I want more, and I’m not even big fan of 2-step.
I agree with cyberwax on the delay saturation though, but if you could replace some of it with more subtle tails or differing delay times and not remove it altogether as it does add some atomosphere to the track, twould kick some arse.
Woo! Muchos thanks to you all for the nice respone
Not bad at all, a lot of energy - which is something I always have trouble with in my tracks.
It’s a little bit cluttered though towards the end with all the samples going on.
what can i say…
good punchy drums…
i wonder was that a loop/break you where using or singel hits?
Single hits ofcourse…