I Just Had A Nervous Breakdown Of Sorts

Here’s a new avatar with a fake smile.

me too about the facial hair. i really don’t see the point in cutting it every day like most people. i usually shave about twice a year (but i never trim it). once it gets to a certain point, i start to feel like maybe people think i look homeless, i get all self conscious, chop it off, and then let it go again

that is REALLY odd about your grandmother. i hope everything’s ok

that’s awesome man. congrats! :guitar:

i’m fortunate in that my lady of 5 years actually prefers my beard :D i can’t wait until i get old, and then i can have an awesome long, white, wizard beard

Naw, it all came back to me. But way less severe this time, and I’m now resorting to light anxiety medication to calm my nerves and to be sure I’ll get through to the premiere on saturday. Just to keep you posted. ;)

I’m all good otherwise, pretty sure it’ll pass as soon as I’m out of that place. No way in hell I’m working like this anymore, the tension is getting on my nerves! Such a bleedin’ shame I love the performance so much, I got this amazing tingling feeling the other day right before we did our most complete runthrough yet. And I’ll get it every time before a REAL show too, that buzz is the best! :D

Man, I have really got to start performing… Starting up an EBM-band next, just looking for the right male vocalist who could be into some wild performative elements, hehe.

Oh, and about the beards, my GF hates full beard but loves my goatee. And my face looks 5 years younger without it, so being 26 I’m sticking to that look for some time.

I’ve had to deal with this, partly because everyone I grew up with used to take drugs constantly - we used to smoke weed every hour of the day, take acid, mdma, everything all the time… And, for all the positive spin people put on that lifestyle when you’re younger, very few people make it to their mid-20’s without something along the lines of panic disorder surfacing at some point… Which is much better than psychosis of course.

Actors (and people who use computers too much) are often prone to Hyperventilation Syndrome… This is usually misdiagnosed as panic disorder, and symptoms range from restricted breathing, to panic attacks, to seizures and paralysis in some cases… Treatment’s really simple, but you have to be dedicated to doing the exercises… The Buteyko technique’s the best method, it’s about desensitizing yourself to normal levels of CO2 - Patrick McKeown and Dinah Bradley have written great books on it which tonnes of actors I know use… It’s just a nervous tendancy which becomes habitual.

The other things I use now, doing TV acting, are Thought-Field Therapy and NLP Spinning… Used to rely on weed and alcohol, but really, relying on vices is just a gradual breaking down of your own confidence… And the whole issue of what brings on anxiety/stress and what doesn’t, is nothing more than how you perceive things… So that’s where you’ve got to focus.

EDIT: the other thing is, treating stress and anxiety is MUCH easier than treating things like chronic fatigue and adrenal burnout which set in if you push yourself too far… The breathing centering exercises they teach in voice acting classes are the best, and very similar to Buteyko technique, where you breathe out, on the floor (alexander position), and wait for the in-breath to come of its own accord… So you end up breathing very little (like when you’re very relaxed in a deep sleep), which actually improves blood oxygenation through all sorts of chemical reactions involving CO2 and things, which is the body’s natural sedative… Deep/hyper-inflated breathing can be counterproductive in the long-run.

Evening Warren.

i actually tried this just while i was reading this paragraph, and now i feel all relaxed :D

Thanks for the compliments :D :D :D I’m still a nube though. your stuff is awesome as well, i just wish I had more experience under my belt with previous trackers like you guys.

Im glad to hear the stress is going down. it’ll kill you if your not careful! I agree with staying away from pills… it’s ok i suppose for some people, but all those have ever been is a band-aid for me, and when you come off the pills they make me crazy and the anxiety is a million times worse… kind of a bit of a digression if you ask me. Withdrawal is no fun. Stay natural. I smoke weed, but when I first started it took a couple of weeks for the paranoia to subside, but after that it worked really well for me and I haven’t experienced any bad side effects. Definitely not the same experience as when I was a kid smoking it for fun. But yeah, stay as close to home as possible. It’s much better to learn how to deal with the stress without using anything at all.