I Want To Be Venetian Snares

I wouldn’t want to be The Who, although they really rocked. “Sellout” is a really inspirational rock-album. “Armenian City in the Sky” for example, you can really learn something about arrangement from this. :D

however… somehow I´m kinda stuck on breakcore listening, which makes me wondering if I´m also able to be a vs 0_o … and now I´m helluva scared :panic:

ohh… look… the first image macro! it appeared on the 5th page…

on the forums i used to be… there were image macro every 5 posts… so I’ve seen pretty much every of them lol… it’s good to see a forum with only one per 100+ posts

it’s ok to have this kind of thread… we need this… it’s cool until every posts in “off-topic” becomes like this one…

Nice graphism… but where’s the text? it would be funny with some words on it… hehe

he says: “you z***************!!!”

ohhhh now I understand!

a couple of hints:

he says: “you z***o**gr**!!!”

Snares block the light from getting into the room.

This was quite the thread resurrection.

Has Foo? made any progress toward his goal? I expect to see some charts or graphs or whatever.

No need for charts or graphs… just move to Winnipeg and funnel your angst towards the cold weather towards retrigging amens at 800bpm in odd time signatures. Also, use obscure samples.

Don’t we all? But I kinda want some Tobin in there too.

I want to be your canary.

I want to be Surkin, but he doesn’t use Renoise but Reason…

Sometimes I have to work very hard to try to NOT try to be him.

If you think something is great, it’s easy to be influenced.

One day I want to be part of a senseless, yet epic thread… I know. One day I will. I don’t know, when it will happen. But I never loose hope… dreams

Nobody wants to be french.

Probably Belgians?

Except belgians.

nope …we already have 2 native languages …that’s more than enough