Here is ViZiON, 30 years, I live in France. I was children when I listened MOD/XM/S3M/IT Format Musics on my first computers
Today, I must say that “Renoise” in 2007-2008 began FANTASTIC “in the World of Trackers”. I would like to find any free time for continuing to composing XRNS Modules from my old XM… Last year, I made 2 config files for the composers “oldschool” who made musics with FastTracker 2
So, please don’t hesitating for contacting me about music on PC. Don’t forgetting : I love listening ONLY XRNS Format (not MP3 please!). I have 304 XRNS Musics on my computer
Thank you & Greetings,
Mail + MSN : audiofr@free.fr