I was a little bored today

I was a little bored today.
If I already have ReTonic for Reaper, why not make it for PlugData :slight_smile:
The base works, I’m going for a beer :slight_smile:

update :slight_smile:


I’ve been bussy too , made a couple of modules in plug data the last couple of months
A perc module that outputs it’s parameters in a list , by rerouting it back to theinput we get elektron style parameter locking .
Some nifty gate sequencer , fm stuff etc…enough to get yo started .
Some great stuff , only downside is that renoise only allows for One internal channel to bemidi controlled
I’ve also remade microtonic in reaktor , many moons ago
Get them here
Also made a great stepsequencer for microtonic with proabilty per step , polyrhytm +polymeter etc…
, I used to be head and heels deep in Loomer Architect but this has now been almost totally replaced by plugdata .
The great thing about plugdata is that the metro clock is verrry stable ( so is loomer’s architect )