I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

I try to keep some kind of order to the chaos, but i think i see what you mean.
I think i need to get better at giving the sounds a bit more space in between. I tend to saturate the pattern with sounds when i probably should have rather stripped some off.

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Yes, being guilty of this myself as well, Iā€™m still learning the value of that crucial flip side of productionā€¦ reduction!
Less really is more, sometimes

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Not sure what to call this. A huge bin of experimentations. Ultra dense, ultra muddy but thatā€™s what Iā€™m after.

Edit2: How do I add embeds?


just copy the link

dope track. ā€œdensecoreā€ fits :metal: reminds me of some psycore and some black midi in sections

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I see, thank you very much!

This is a war track if you ask me.It felt like i was in a battlefield and bullets came from all the directions at me.Very well put together and very different from what i hear usually

Something calm:


Yay! with breakdown and risers :star_struck: I dig

I like that the snare sounds dry so itā€™s up front but maybe you could add a subtle reverb with a predelay on it?

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Yes, risers just as usual (noise and a phaser - I would buy specific presets if there were any). Of course thereā€™s a reverb on the snare, but obviously thereā€™s something louder, too. You can hear the reverb within the first 40 secoinds of the song. Do you think I should make the reverb louder in general? Yes, maybe also a subtle predelay, why not? Honestly Iā€™m not a big fan of predelay, but in some cases it wiorks quite good. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is also my way of making music though: :stuck_out_tongue:


Finally order in the chaos. Halloween came in my mind while listening to this.

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Not that many weird sounds this time, but i had to sneak in a couple. :smiley:

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Renoise is quickly becoming my favourite DAW, so Iā€™d love to share some stuff Iā€™ve been working on! Iā€™ve been chipping away at an ambient, somewhat eerie, game soundtrack called Hollowthorn (all of it will be made in Renoise). This piece is for the Ballroom where ghosts dance.


Man that was so good !!!Thanks for sharing

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed

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Sounds very nice, i kinda was drawn back to the point and click adventure game ā€œBroken Swordā€.
May i ask what kind of VST/Sample pack you used for this?

Thank you, and sure thing. Iā€™m using BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover.

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A bunch of my late 90s stuff can be found here: https://dotsandsquares.bandcamp.com/
It was all done in Impulse Tracker. Songs are all over the place!

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Iā€™m in the middle of doing a sound track and effects for a game called Blister Blight. We post clips here (and the socials): Soundtrack ā€“ Blister Blight

Doing all songs in Renoise. Iā€™ve really appreciated Renoiseā€™s ability to dump a VST into samplesā€¦using NIā€™s Pro-53 a good deal, BUT itā€™s discontinued, so I have needed to dump samples so I can work on other computers. Thank you Renoise team!


gets kinda crazy at the end, so listen through, if you can tolerate it, lol :upside_down_face: