I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

Just made a new intro for my youtubes

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Too long,users will skip your videos if you have long intros.Dont like the deep voice also,i skip videos because of that :smiley:

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hehe. The deep voice was me. I was testing, if I am able to do that ā€œtrailer guy voiceā€ :wink:

Valuable Feedback, getting back to the scratchboard.

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Thx for your feedback and for digging the composition :slight_smile: ! And I think you are right! An improved mix could probably make it better and more alive and remove some mudiness! Problem that I encountered during production is mostly CPU limits. As this song is written fully in microtuning format, the total track count in Renoise estimates arnound 208 and I needed to duplicate and manually tune many vstā€™s. This eats CPU! With my 15 year old computer, I unfortunately cannot play all the track at the same time in the renoise workfile, or another DAW even if I render everything to wav. So it was a continuous game of trying to finish the song in the form as I heard it in my head. Also, when listening to the song on small earpods, indeed the vocals seem to move a bit to the background. However, on the 3-way and 4-day speaker sets that I used as reference monitors, it seems to be pretty much in balance (here). The never ending game of audio engineering right?! In the coming years Iā€™m going to save up some money for a fully new studio, but that could take a while. When this is arranged, iā€™m 100% sure I will dive into a new mix :slight_smile: Btw, the beats are mostly loops that are aligned to time, and cut in many pieces. Again thanks for listening and for taking the time to leave a message. Happy composing!

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Another short Drum & Bass-y track. I feel like Iā€™m getting a bit stuck in a formula with these, but theyā€™re fun to make.


If it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix it! Good stuff for sure. Maybe youā€™re making an album/EP :upside_down_face:

Hey all ! Thanks to some holidays I took, I managed to finish my second Renoise track ! still learning, this 2-step beat made me use the delay column more which is good :smiley:
Let me know what you think ! Kind of went outside of my comfort zone and just followed my inspiration and instinct on this one!

Fun fact, I used a classic french song as a base sample, weā€™ll see if you recognize (should not be that hard if you know the track)


Itā€™s a little unfinished and not as refined as iā€™d like, but my CPU thought it was enough of this crap. :stuck_out_tongue:


That sounds like a remix of Ceephax Acid Crew - Sidneyā€™s Sizzler Planet

Oh, didnā€™t know this track but actually I love it, guess this is the lead synth that makes you say so!
For context here is the track I sampled (might loose some magic here though haha)

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Good track! Kind of like that raw sound

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I did this recently for a uni project. Itā€™s uh, kind of rough, the arrangement is kind of trash because I had to make it longer to satisfy the brief. HOWEVER I kinda dig how it came out.


Thereā€™s some super cool textures going on here!

I think your snare could cut through a bit more though, I usually have a flat eq somewhere on a track group or couple of tracks. Then have the snare on itā€™s own track, put a signal follower on it, invert the min/max, send that to a band on that eq, generally 350 - 600 hz, that make the snare cut through like crazy.

Iā€™m not a production wiz by any means but thatā€™s a trick Iā€™ve been obsessed with lately.


Thatā€™s really cool, I like it a lot. Feels really crunchy in all the best ways. Excellent work.

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I love the textures! good job
Also, always cool to see a live recording of your screen, I find it very interesting to try to understand otherā€™s people workflow seeing how their song is composed

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Yeah, I always think renoise also looks cool as well while playing. On top of that I use mostly the built-in stuff that renoise comes with (device/plugin wise, I use all my own chopped samples and stuff). Renoises, signal follower is insanely powerful once you start thinking out of the box. Iā€™ve also been playing with the key tracker + comb filter, that can ā€œtuneā€ atmospheric samples.

Gotta have that crunch, what even is the point if you couldnā€™t sell it in a cereal box?

Itā€™s worth posting this version though, basically the video version is the one that was valid for the assignment. This version is the correctly arranged one. I wasnā€™t allowed to loop or reuse any of the live recorded parts so it sort of ruined the song.

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Recently released two new albums (sort of a double album, but also released back-to-back completely separately). Mostly made using Reaper, Giorgio san Cristoforo applications, IrcamLabs TS2, PaulStretch, and a plethora of VTS FX Plugins. Not much Renoise in these two, mostly standalone applications and arranging in Reaper. ā€œGod Rayā€ may be one of my favorite tracks that I have ever made to date.

Stylistic Influences: Ambient, Dark Ambient, Noise, Musique Concrete, Electronic, Pseudo-Generative

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