I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

I’m quite proud of this one. It’s quite bassy/gritty.


quick sketch:


Thanks, doing more than 10 years stuff, mostly like this, but i plan to upload more various tunes, some disco-funk, something in-between breakbeat-dnb and some slow experimental stuff also…
After some ‘passive’ thinking, i’ve decided to keep uploading on a few-days basis - at least sketches like this.
I do not understand your point that you do not like samples because only drum break is sampled (including those rides which i found insteresting also - and that’s how the sketch started).

offtopic: i’m now in a phase to choose headphones, i have dt770 for a long time, considering either 880 or 990, but leaning toward 880… still i have a lot to choose from when i visit store. What’s your verdict on AKG 702 tho? Thanks


hey, long time no see :slight_smile: I had a lot of work lately…
I managed to produce a track with a friend of mine, between reggae, funk, irish… I don’t really know what style it is but reggae is rather dominant !

Cheers :slight_smile:


Good to have you back friend, excellent work as always .I like the mix between genres.

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Damn, you’re right ! Thanks !



Great track and i liked the panning touch but i think you over did it with the panning

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totally agree with stoiximan, you made panning with L-R levels very intensive, maybe you could try some stereo imager to get a more refined stereo effect ?
Btw nice track ! Very late 90’s raw jungle, reminded me when I was student ! Thanks !

Cheers, don’t think I’ll revisit this one though thanks for the pointers :slight_smile: , the panning comes from a fancy stereo imaging plugin btw.

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Oh ok then, sounded to me like a pure L-R classic panning, my bad :wink:

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Corona is still fucking me up,iam still on short-time work and our Company wanted to sack 2300 People
beautiful new world,so I’m slowly getting mad at the politicians
Thats why I made an HardCore Track. I took some Samples from 3 of my favorite German Movies :slight_smile:
so my angriness turned into Happiness

DAW : Renoise 3.2.1

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I had too much work to do in the last weeks, so I was out of time and too tired for music, and of course my creativity lacked a lot. But now I could recover for a couple of days, so I reactivated making music and the result are these two tracks I made in the last 2 days.



Of course the sound quality in Youtube is not that good, but you can listen to the tracks on Soundcloud, too.


Just finished this one:

The samples are from https://ttsmp3.com/, a down pitched female sample and from one of my favourite movies :smiley:

(Electro, Techno)


Good to have you back and very nice tracks

Iam always using Renoise with my Headphones and it sounds for me ok.
That seems to be the Problem :slight_smile: that the track sounds different without Headphones
So what do you say is the best way for Mastering?

using Vst Plugins in Renoise

My last tracker programs I used were noise trackers, protrackers and fast trackers. That was in the nineties with 8bit samples and without masters.
So the topic of mastering is still new territory for me.
I would put 4 plugins on the master track as I understood it:

1.) Multiband Compressor
2.) EQ Linear Phase
3.) Look ahead brick wall limiter
4.) Dither

or is it Better to Master the wav file with extern Programms like AAMS or RX-7or Ozone 8/9?

Greetings Mathias

So what do you say is the best way for Mastering?

If you ask me, you have to keep it simple. Do your mixing via studio headphones (they have to be good, like these), then switch to your normal Hifi speakers and adjust the sound. Switch back to your headphones and check again. Do it as often as you need it to do until the result is good. For the mastering you don’t have to use that much in my opinion. Use a compressor in every single track of your song, and in your master channel you only need two things: a) Maximizer (Limiter) and b) Mixer EQ, that’s it. The mixing is the most important thing here, if your mixing is good you won’t have to work out that much on your mastering, because it’s already good. In relation to your mixing you can also add an EQ in every single track for adjusting bass, treble and mids, but don’t overdo it, do it slightly. Usually it doesn’t need much of that. That’s how I would do it. But I’m not a pro, so maybe it can be done better. If you want to hear how it sounds if you do it my way, you can have a look at my newest tracks posted yesterday, which you can find above.

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Thanks. Maybe the low end is a bit to pronounced. Not sure … in the car it feels slightly too strong, but maybe that’s because of the sub.

Hey guys, first time poster. Been an Ableton user for 8 years. Begrudgingly downloaded the Renoise demo because Ableton isn’t supported on Linux… Slowly realised I had found my new favourite DAW! Bought the full license a few days ago. Feels good supporting such empowering software.
Here are my first two tracks…

Trap, future bass

Hip hop, sample-based, weird

(Yeah, I know, not much to show for almost a decade of experience)


If that is your first 2 songs with Renoise in such a short time i wonder what you could do next.Great work man really great