Idea: A Visualization Tool for Learning Renoise Keybindings (Shortcuts)

Renoise keybindings are powerful but difficult to memorize, so I am creating a tool that reads the configuration file and visualizes it on a keyboard layout. I’m not sure if there is any demand for this, so I would like to share the idea here.

I will show you the prototype source code and screenshots.

Current features:

  • Reads KeyBindings.xml and visualizes it on a keyboard layout
  • Displays keybindings when modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) are pressed

Features to be added:

  • Support for general keyboard layouts (currently only Japanese layout)
  • Automatic loading of currently applied keybindings
  • Changing and saving keybindings within the tool
  • Display of the numeric keypad
  • Improved visibility (e.g., iconizing keybinding categories)

Feel free to share any feedback.


Welcome and nice idea!

You could also take into account what is currently visible using the window and only show the keys that are relevant to the current context.

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Cool idea!

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  • The shortcut function name corresponding to the selected context is now displayed. (thanks to unless :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)
  • Also, various other improvements.

It’s in a rough but usable state, so I may release it as a tool when it supports English keyboards.


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Nice creation!
Would be cool if we could have a smaller size (adjustable?), cause now its too large to display on a macbook air m1.
Also an Azerty layout would be great.

Thank you!

i’d love to know if progress is being made with this?