How about a popout plus + on each track or column (or a global one for all lines on all tracks) that acts like a hierarchical popout, indenting extra lines in-between the sixteens, then, when you’ve added your notes in-between the standard 16th divisions, you could click the box (how a minus - box) to have them shrink away again, and on the 32nd notes you’ve now added, there could be a thicker black bar underneath the previous 16th note bar to denote there was a note inbetween. There could also be second + box that could appear if you’ve clicked the first one that would add another load of lines, this time indented again from the 32nd notes to allow for 64th notes, and you could hide these if you needed, and there would be a thicker bar under the 32nd note line, and a very thick bar under the standard 16ths if you poped the 32nds away.
If that doesn’t make any sense, I can try and mock up an image 
If you’re asking for what I think you are then radium has a really nice implementation of it, basically you can zoom in to the pattern editor and the lines increase as you zoom so you can go down to whatever resolution you like without having to change the LPB or pattern length. I would love to see this in renoise one day but it seems the the answer to any request these days is “phrases”.
If you’re asking for what I think you are then radium has a really nice implementation of it, basically you can zoom in to the pattern editor and the lines increase as you zoom so you can go down to whatever resolution you like without having to change the LPB or pattern length. I would love to see this in renoise one day but it seems the the answer to any request these days is “phrases”.
It sounds like that’s what I’m talking about, I love the idea of that. The way I’m describing would be more fixed, therefore conforming a bit more to the idea of traditional trackers being fairly fixed, whereas Radium looks like it has a more fluid interface with the smooth scrolling and dynamic adjustments. Interesting, I was thinking earlier about having audio implementation in Renoise, and it looks with the waveforms that Radium does a similar things. What is “phrases”?