Idea: Various modes for recording?

Maybe it would be helpful, if Renoise was providing additional recording modes:

“drum mode”
The first some kind of live sorting of notes to columns or tracks while recording. This obviously is very helpful for drums and non harmonic sounds. Currently you have to manually sort notes or use tools afterwards. This is a very slow and inconvenient workflow.

This mode simply could be called “drum mode”.

“sort mode”
The second one could simply sort the notes by pitch. I think this might be helpful for accord recording. Currently if you have chords, usually the appearance of the same note is kinda random, placed by timing, which makes no sense anymore with post- or live-quantization.

At least while live quantization is enabled, Renoise actually could automatically sort multiple notes by pitch.

I understand that Renoise currently seems to lack of such an recording buffer, which these features would require. But maybe almost anything recording related could benefit from such a buffer?