I'm Having Issues With Logic ..

Ok, so here’s my problem. I use a method of counting how many instruments there are in the song. Then there’s a recognition of, does this instrument have sample_data in the sample_buffer. If there is, this instrument is skipped.
The point is to select a number out of the 1 - tablecount, to pick an instrument slot which is empty (without a sample) and to record to that (that’s out of the scope of this for-loop, and already works. so here’s the logic question:: :)

how would i go about modifying this, while retaining it’s basic functionality, so that it would also skip an instrument if there’s sample buffer data, or if there’s a vst/au plugin… or if there’s a midi-instrument?

I was thinking the second iteration would be for me to try and write down which midi-instrument was selected when recording started, record the file to an empty instrument slot, and then return back to a midi-instrument, but that would probably then require some sort of writing into a table.

 for i=1,(table.count(renoise.song().instruments)) do  
renoise.song().instruments[renoise.song().selected_instrument_index].samples[renoise.song().selected_sample_index].sample_buffer.has_sample_data==true then   
local result=renoise.song().selected_instrument_index+1  
 if result>(table.count(renoise.song().instruments)) then renoise.song():insert_instrument_at((table.count(renoise.song().instruments))+1)  
 if (table.count(renoise.song().instruments))==renoise.song().selected_instrument_index then  
 for i=1,8 do   
 end -- for loop  
 end -- if tc selected_instrument_index  
 end -- sample_buffer_has_sampledata ==true  
 end -- for loop  

I kind of up to a point comprehend the actual commands that would be used, but what I don’t have is the coder comprehension of how to regiment the for, if, elseif’s to make sure i don’t overwrite any midi instrument, plugin, or sample… :)

so, could anyone help me in my logic affliction?

Ok, I got it to work reaaaal broken (but skip instrument, midi_instrument or sample…) :D now it just keeps going until it’s generated 255 new instruments…

 for i=1,(table.count(renoise.song().instruments)) do  
 if renoise.song().instruments[renoise.song().selected_instrument_index].samples[renoise.song().selected_sample_index].sample_buffer.has_sample_data==true or renoise.song().instruments[renoise.song().selected_instrument_index].plugin_properties.plugin_loaded==true or renoise.song().selected_instrument.midi_output_properties.device_name ~= nil   
local result=renoise.song().selected_instrument_index+1  
 if result>(table.count(renoise.song().instruments)) then renoise.song():insert_instrument_at((table.count(renoise.song().instruments))+1)  
 if (table.count(renoise.song().instruments))==renoise.song().selected_instrument_index then  
 for i=1,8 do   
 end -- for loop  
 end -- if tc selected_instrument_index  
 end -- sample_buffer_has_sampledata ==true  
 end -- for loop  

This one picks the first available empty instrument (From the render slices to instrument tool).
If there is no empty instrument, it creates one.

function search_empty_instrument()  
 local proc = renoise.song()  
 for empty_instrument = 1, #proc.instruments do  
 local samples = false  
 for i = 1,#proc.instruments[empty_instrument].samples do  
 local temp_buffer = proc.instruments[empty_instrument].samples[i].sample_buffer  
 if temp_buffer.has_sample_data then  
 samples = true  
 local plugin = proc.instruments[empty_instrument].plugin_properties.plugin_loaded  
 local midi_device = proc.instruments[empty_instrument].midi_output_properties.device_name  
 if ((samples == false) and (plugin == false) and   
 (midi_device == nil or midi_device == "")) then  
 return empty_instrument  
 return #proc.instruments  

I will see how this performs. (After all, the script I’m modifying is run once to start recording, and run once to stop recording. It will be interesting to see if this can just replace my own fiddly mess :) ) Fingers crossed now…

Ok… I tried to modify my code with this but the end result was that a midi-instrument got overwritten with a sample :)

--This records to currently selected track and outputs 0501 and the c-4 and the selected_instrument  
function recordtocurrenttrack()  
 local s=renoise.song()  
 local ss=s.selected_sample  
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 local w=renoise.app().window   
 local currTrak=s.selected_track_index  
 local currSamp=renoise.song().selected_sample_index  
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then  
 renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local name = nil  
 if renoise.song().selected_track_index<10 then   
 name="Track 0"..renoise.song().selected_track_index  
 name="Track "..renoise.song().selected_track_index  
 if renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name==name  
 then renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name=" 1"  
 if renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name==" 12" then   
 local nexttrack=renoise.song().selected_track_index+1  
 renoise.song().tracks[renoise.song().selected_track_index].name=" 1"  
 if ss.sample_buffer_observable:has_notifier(finalrecord) == false then   
function finalrecord()  
 local s=renoise.song()  
 local ss=s.selected_sample  
 local currTrak=s.selected_track_index  
 local currSamp=renoise.song().selected_sample_index  
 local currInst=s.selected_instrument_index  
 local currPatt=s.selected_pattern_index  
 local w=renoise.app().window  
 local rightinstrument=nil  
 local place=nil   
 local zero=nil  
 local o=nil  
 local rightinstrument=renoise.song().selected_instrument_index-1  
 local nc=s.patterns[currPatt].tracks[currTrak].lines[1].note_columns  
 local selnotcol=renoise.song().selected_note_column_index  
 local vnc=renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].visible_note_columns  
 for o = 1,12 do   
 if nc[o].note_string=="---" then   
 if vnc < o then  
 renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name=" " .. o  
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {name="Global:Paketti:Record to Current Track", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack()   
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
 local t=renoise.song().transport  

I really wonder what I did wrong.

On a quick glance it seems you forgot to utilize the return value of the search_empty_instrument() -function. You call the function, it does its thing, and gives you in return the new instrument index. You got to put that somewhere.

Don’t know if this is really the root of your trouble, but maybe try assigning the function return value into s.selected_instrument_index?

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s.selected_instrument_index = search_empty_instrument()  

From the code you posted you call search_empty_instrument() but never store the return value.

search_empty_instrument() as written by vV returns the instrument index number of the first empty instrument.

[edit: KMaki got there first]

Wow, thanks heaps KMaki & mxb! It worked :)

Awesome. The workflow is becoming more and more usable

There is a lot of unneeded code in what you posted.

What exactly is the objective of ‘recordtocurrenttrack’ and ‘finalrecord’.

I’ll rewrite them with lots of comments to explain what the code does so everyone can learn.

Nope, there isn’t :) However, I’m sure it could be rebuilt from scratch and all, but the functionality must stay the same.

Here is what Record to Current Track does. When you call it via Midi Mapping, or via Key Binding, or via Menu Entry. It starts recording. (Your Sample Recorder MUST be in Pattern Sync and “do not create a new sample” mode.)
When you press the midibutton, menuentry or keybind again, it stops recording. It will stop recording at the end of that pattern that is playing.
The minute the samplebuffer has been filled with what you recorded, the instrument number is put to the pattern editor, to your selected_track. a 0501 effect (Glide to note) is put in. Why? Because if there’s a 0501 on that same row, you can record 10 times the pattern, or 100 times the pattern length, and when the pattern starts playing the sample, it will play it until the end of the sample. then the next pattern-toggle-of-this-sample will re-start the playing. This gives me a handy way of having a short, or long pattern, where I have multiple length wavefiles playing at the same time. It means that if I have a 32 row pattern, I can record 512 rows of sample_data, and when i stop recording, it will start playing, and after 16 repetitions of the 32 row pattern, the 512 rows of sampledata have been played till the end, and the 17th repeat of the 32 row pattern will restart the sample again.
Now, when you record for the first time, your track title is renamed to “_1”. When you then record again on the same track, a second note_column is made visible, and the note is placed there. If you have all 12 note columns visible, and have notes in notecolumn 2-12, the Record_To_Current_Track will place the next note to notecolumn 1.
The renaming till Tracktitle “_12” is there so that once the RecordToCurrentTrack recognizes that the name of the track is “_12”, it will automatically switch to the next, new track, and sample to that, instead.
So basically this is a way for me to go completely blind with Renoise, to have either a keyboard shortcut or a midibutton which will start sampling, or will stop sampling.

When you start sampling, the sample_recorder is opened. When you stop sampling (with the same keyshortcut/midimap), the sample_recorder is hidden. Thus you don’t have to look at samplerecorder, you can just focus on sampling as many some-length samples as you want, and they will be put in, you can just stop looking at the screen.

This allows me to sample anything I play on the microphone, any outboard synthesizer, and can multilayer them as i want.

There are checks to make sure no midi-instrument, plugin instrument, or sample are overwritten. the real hassle of the code is to make sure that only one keyshortcut/midimap is required to both start AND stop recording, this is very important.

Ihad to have a finalrecord, in order to have notifiers that run finalrecord and then the notifier is removed. There was some reason for this - i wanted to use a notifier for “when samplebuffer is changed”, so that I could somehow provide, for instance Jenoki, with the method of "when you stop recording, there’s a quick panic() and a quick play - so that the minute you stop recording, the sample will start playing).

This one is pretty convoluted. If you record 128 rows’ worth of sampledata in a 64 row pattern, the recording process will take 2 repeats of the 64 rows. but the sample_loading process will take 1 repeat of the 64 row pattern. i was trying to fix it so that when you stop recording, the sample starts playing immediately. I kind of got it working, or didn’t, but it grew really convoluted and did not seem to work, i tried a few methods of making it work that i knew how to do, but swiftly gave up.

when you start recording, the bottom layer is switched to automation. Why? Because then you can see a playhead and see when you must be ready to play something in, i.e. “how long will it take until my pattern synced recording starts - well, automation playhead shows that it’ll be one second, so i’d better be ready.”

When the sample has been recorded, autoseek is set to mode=on

finalrecord does the 0501 writing to that selected_track_index.
c-4 is written to the selected_track_index first row, so that the sample you’ve just recorded will start playing. the instrument_index is written to the first row of the pattern too.

I did some minor modifications, where, if playback is off, playback is switched On, so that recording may start. again, i’m going for complete transparency. one shortcut and i’m sampling, no matter if the song is playing or not. one shortcut and i’ve stopped sampling and i can start hearing what i sampled, and maybe layer something on top of that.

For those max.12 notecolumns to be written to only if they’re empty, there’s a check for notecolumn - does any of the 12 notecolumns have a — on the first row? If yes, then write to that.

Now, there are some bugs with this, which I discovered later on, such as, if I’ve already played something into a pattern, but the first row is empty, a sample will be placed there, but it will stop playing if that notecolumn has notes on another row. So I suppose one would have to check if the notecolumn is fully empty, before committing to writing anything to it.

The “_12”? Go to next track is probably pretty clunky, but I got it to work and was pretty proud of it, to be honest.

This is one way (I commented off some code) to try and restart playback immediately after recording:

renoise.tool():add_midi_mapping{name="Paketti:Record to Current Track x[Toggle]", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack()   
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 --startpos.line = renoise.song().selected_line_index  
 --startpos.sequence = renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 --renoise.song().transport.playback_pos = startpos  

Another version I tried to do was

renoise.tool():add_keybinding {name="Global:Paketti:Record to Current Track", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack()   
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 --startpos.line = renoise.song().selected_line_index  
 --startpos.sequence = renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 --renoise.song().transport.playback_pos = startpos  

But decided to comment it all away. For, you see, when you start messing around with “stop playback” while a sample is being written, the sample might get some extra data, so a 128 row sample might be 129 row length, and then it won’t play nicely on the 3rd repeat of a 64 row pattern. Things got really fiddly, and when you do a panic and a restart, the multilayered things you had playing will stop and restart - when fidddling with the “start playback after sampling”, it turned out to not be a good solution. It has to be visually functional (i.e. no need to look) and functional audio-wise (no sound stops).

--This records to currently selected track and outputs 0501 and the c-4 and the selected_instrument  
function recordtocurrenttrack()  
 local s=renoise.song()  
 local ss=s.selected_sample  
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 local w=renoise.app().window   
 local currTrak=s.selected_track_index  
 local currSamp=renoise.song().selected_sample_index  
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then  
 renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local name = nil  
 if renoise.song().selected_track_index<10 then   
 name="Track 0"..renoise.song().selected_track_index  
 name="Track "..renoise.song().selected_track_index  
 if renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name==name  
 then renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name=" 1"  
 if renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name==" 12" then   
 local nexttrack=renoise.song().selected_track_index+1  
 renoise.song().tracks[renoise.song().selected_track_index].name=" 1"  
s.selected_instrument_index = search_empty_instrument()  
 if ss.sample_buffer_observable:has_notifier(finalrecord) == false then   
-- delay(3)  
-- renoise.song().transport:trigger_sequence(1)  
function finalrecord()  
 local s=renoise.song()  
 local ss=s.selected_sample  
 local currTrak=s.selected_track_index  
 local currSamp=renoise.song().selected_sample_index  
 local currInst=s.selected_instrument_index  
 local currPatt=s.selected_pattern_index  
 local w=renoise.app().window  
 local rightinstrument=nil  
 local place=nil   
 local zero=nil  
 local o=nil  
 local rightinstrument=renoise.song().selected_instrument_index-1  
 local nc=s.patterns[currPatt].tracks[currTrak].lines[1].note_columns  
 local selnotcol=renoise.song().selected_note_column_index  
 local vnc=renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].visible_note_columns  
 for o = 1,12 do   
 if nc[o].note_string=="---" then   
 if vnc < o then  
 renoise.song().tracks[currTrak].name=" " .. o  
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
-- startpos.line = renoise.song().selected_line_index  
-- startpos.sequence = renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
-- renoise.song().transport.playback_pos = startpos  
-- t:start(renoise.Transport.PLAYMODE_CONTINUE_PATTERN)  
-- ss.sample_buffer_observable:remove_notifier(finalrecord)   
renoise.tool():add_midi_mapping{name="Paketti:Record to Current Track x[Toggle]", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack()   
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 --startpos.line = renoise.song().selected_line_index  
 --startpos.sequence = renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 --renoise.song().transport.playback_pos = startpos  
--renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {name="Pattern Editor:Record To Current", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack() end}  
--renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {name="Mixer:RecordToCurrent", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack() end}  
--renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {name="Instrument Box:Record To Current", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack() end}  
--renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {name="Sample Editor:Record To Current", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack() end}  
renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {name="Sample Mappings:Record To Current", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack() end}  
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {name="Global:Paketti:Record to Current Track", invoke = function() recordtocurrenttrack()   
 if renoise.song().transport.playing==false then renoise.song().transport.playing=true end  
 local seq=renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
 local t=renoise.song().transport  
 --startpos.line = renoise.song().selected_line_index  
 --startpos.sequence = renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
 --renoise.song().transport.playback_pos = startpos  
-- and vV's nice code to detect:  
function search_empty_instrument()  
 local proc = renoise.song()  
 for empty_instrument = 1, #proc.instruments do  
 local samples = false  
 for i = 1,#proc.instruments[empty_instrument].samples do  
 local temp_buffer = proc.instruments[empty_instrument].samples[i].sample_buffer  
 if temp_buffer.has_sample_data then  
 samples = true  
 local plugin = proc.instruments[empty_instrument].plugin_properties.plugin_loaded  
 local midi_device = proc.instruments[empty_instrument].midi_output_properties.device_name  
 if ((samples == false) and (plugin == false) and   
 (midi_device == nil or midi_device == "")) then  
 return empty_instrument  
 return #proc.instruments  

What exactly do I want to do with this? I just wanna be free.

And so far it’s working. now with vV’s fix that enables me to stop overwriting midi-instruments and plugin-instruments, it’s really quite close to being finished, apart from the “will only toggle on second repeat of the pattern” which kind of makes stuff real weird.

I was trying to recreate the way Ableton Live works in the Session View, which is to afford the user the possibility of having a looping sample that plays for 1 bar and repeats, or a looping sample which plays for 1024 bars and then repeats, and then be able to hear both continuously, even tho the pattern might be 4 bars in length. I could make a video of how it works right now, but I’m not sure if it would explain something which this message hasn’t already explained.

The issue, of course, is that currently there’s no way of setting the sample_recorder to PatternSync. and no way to control which channel the sample_recorder samples from. I do hope that these functions will come in future API updates, since, well, I’m already breaking into a second script (which gives me shortcuts which immediately auto-configure a midi-instrument and a line-in-device to the correct input - and renames the track to a specific name (so I can just hear-what-the-synths-are-playing directly within Renoise and be able to run them through efx. Once I can use the API to set the sample recorder to conform to the line-in-device’s input channels, maybe some observable of “you are on channel called Alphajuno2 → switch sample_recorder to alphajuno2 input channel, what’s the input channel? read it from alphajuno2-channel’s alphajuno2-line-input-device settings” or something like that.

Come to think of it, the threekeyboard shortcuts (studio electronics se-1, nord micromodular, roland alphajuno2) should probably be modified to use vV’s “go to empty instrument” too, so I don’t end up overwriting them…)
the cherry on the top would be to actually read the tracks and remove a line-input-device-for-synthX when the lineinput device is added to a separate track. This I still have to do by hand (the removal of lineinput device, not the adding of input device, of course :) ).

mxb was this verbose enough for you to kind of get what record_to_current_track does?

some people wanted the sample recorder to have a method where after sampling, the instrument is placed to first row of said track, so that one could just easily record stuff and not run into issues of having to reach for the mouse + keyboard to write the instrument number and c-4 to that track. Renoise never provided this natively, so I ended up doing this on my own and fiddling with it and tweaking it until it works pretty much transparently, albeit some bugs.

Thanks for the verbose description.

Essentially, it’s a livelooper script, which has a hack (the 0501) to allow loops of differing sizes to play together.

If I understood correctly, these are the main points/features:

  • Single button start/stop recording, which starts playback if stopped
  • On recording stop, a C4 note is added with 0501 effect to trigger the last recording
  • On recording stop, the sample recorder dialog is re-hidden
  • Autoseek is enabled for newly recorded samples
  • Automation pane is visible in the lower frame as a reference point through the pattern

One thing I am assuming as it was not clear is that this works for a single pattern looping. Is this correct?

[edit: Q2: Why use multiple note lanes and then move to new tracks when they are full, why not put each ‘sample loop’ on a new track?]

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You summed it up real good.

When 2.8 comes out, Autofade will also be enabled for newly recorded samples

A1: You are correct. It is currently designed for single pattern looping. One (you know, one of those people who can code with LUA :D ) might be able to do some sort of a “unwrap” functionality which would take that 1024 row sample and create new orderlist entries so that the 1024 rows get played even if each and every pattern is 64 of length. I suppose it would help with actual arrangement.

A2: Multiple note lanes because one might want to feed the sample through the same efx (and no, i don’t currently use send trax (for anything, ever.) to answer the next question)
Multiple note lanes for the purpose of saving on cpu and maybe encountering some interesting things. I suppose some would just create a new track for each record - that’s always a possibility.
Multiple note lanes also because if track#1 has line-input 1-2 (which you sample with the script), you might want to layer multiple things on top of eachother. happy accidents can happen, etc.
I suppose one could have two variations of the script, one which writes until 12 note columns are full and then creates a new track, and another that just keeps creating new track.

Also, since the script is run for start and for stop recording, the creation of a new track would be run twice (i suppose, unless if you do some magic with “if channel empty then put note + glide-to-note in. if channel not empty, create new channel and put note+glidetonote to that channel”…