Hello there, can anybody suggest some good impulse response libraries to me?Free and paid, it doesn’t matter.
I’m interested in nice reverbs and spaces but I’m also interested in really odd stuff too, like the inside of a vacuum cleaner and so on…
ooh, yeah. I’ve got a bunch that were free online. lmk see if I can track down the source. some really nice springs, natural spaces, and odd stuff, too…
I think this might be it: Free Impulse Responses - Excellent For Sound Design And Post Production | Production Expert
or maybe it was the echothief stuff: http://www.echothief.com/
also: Free Impulse Responses: 4 Reverb Packs To Download - Resoundsound
you ever fuck with making your own impluses? pink noise is a great place to start, but all kinds of waves can make REALLY interesting convolver impulses
Also check out this site;
which lets you design your own impulses and save them.
These Fokke van Saane IRs are awesome, too. The claustrophobia set has some weird ones, like inside a vacuum cleaner hose (sounds great on drum buss, mixed to taste) and inside those clay planter pots.
The warehouse floor ones are great too. Lots of neat stuff in there.
How cool is that?
I use Bricasti M7 IR’s, very good, caveat… they are Huge!