In search for a coding project

For a first project, I think it’s good to add some pattern editor shortcut.

One problem is that many things have already been done, but I have one rather simple idea that I could see myself using. “Repeat effect until next note” or sth, removing the need to spam the effect column with the same value over and over again until the next note. I haven’t seen it done as a simple shortcut, but maybe I’m wrong… It can be pretty cumbersome entering all those Axx/Ixx/Oxx commands.

A similar alternative: “Repeat selection”, either for x number of lines or x times.

There’s the native “paste continuously”, but that one is kind of dumb.

Some ideas…


Whenever I try to learn a programming language (or application environment) I look to scratch my own itch.

Following what @joule said, think of something you do fairly often, and where a handy shortcut would be nice.

Something I’ve considered writing: Tool to go through a track-pattern (or the whole track, maybe) and adjust all velocity values by some percent.

I often improvise with a MIDI keyboard and them select stuff I want to keep, but I’ve noticed that often, despite my best efforts, the velocity is too high. I think my keyboard isn’t that sensitive, or my technique is just poor : )

I’ve wanted a way to automate correcting this, as manual editing is tedious and error-prone.

If you’re ambitious: Add an option to do some random delta of the velocity: If the user wants a 30% reduction, with a 2% variance range, then each velocity change will be some random value between 28% and 32%.

Something like this would give you a chance to do a simple(ish) GUI, save previous values, add a keyboard binding for shortcut keys, and so on.

PS I’ve a bunch of stuff here that might have code examples to steal from (as I have done from others):

lua · master · James Britt / Neurogami / renoise-ng · GitLab


hey Mario s’up? :sunglasses:

Waarschijnlijk te ambitieus idee’tje; native clipping tool

Sometimes dealing with samples, you can have spikes in the amplitude that stick out compared to the rest of the waveform making it hard to normalize the sample. You can use the drawtool in the sample editor to manually remove the spike, then normalize, but what if there are a lot of spikes? Other option is to use a vst clipping plugin like Gclip for example on the output or render a clipping vst effect using the fx button in the sample editor (GVST - GClip). Not just handy for restoration, very useful for achieving more loudness as you can truncate a great deal of a sound, then normalize without hearing noticeable artifacts.

Could a native clipper tool be coded in Lua? One slider to determine the upper limit and one slider to determine the lower limit of the waveform and a process button to automatically cut everything above and below these limits, automatically normalizing the output :slight_smile: .


Tnx for the replies and hi @Jonas :slightly_smiling_face: Good to see you here.

I’ve read some serieus interesting input. I’m gonna check what could fit for this small project.

Coming back later here to discuss what my foundings are and what project could fit.

More ideas are still welcome.

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I have some idea for a tool:

  • A “routing helper” tool: Let’s say you have a send channel to which multiple tracks send audio. If you now context right click on the send, there is an option “Make individual”, so the tool removes the send track, but copies all its dsp to each of the sending tracks, and also takes care of sending / dry/wet amounts. So the result sounds exactly the same, but now each track has the send track’s dsp without anymore using the send device. Then the tool also takes care of sidechain sends and meta devices flow. The tool also makes it possible to select multiple dsp devices in a chain, so only these devices will be copied instead. Also the tool can do the opposite direction, so you choose some devices on a track and context-menu-select “create send track from 3 selected devices”. This actually is a good job for Joule.

  • A “sub templater” tool, which makes it possible to not only save a dsp chain, but also the playing instrument and all affected send tracks (even on second level) at once. So if you start a plain new song, you could simply then load some sub templates like “leet 80s lead” or “that synbass” into your song, and it is already accurately set-up with all send tracks, the correct levels and so on.

  • A “move send” track tool, which can move a send track into a group and then auto setting-up the sidechain device/trackcontrol vst3 combination. Could be part of the first tool.

  • A “crossplatform song loader” tool which adds a menu entry “load crossplatform song”, actually unpacks the .xrns first, replaces plugin-identifers using a (configurable) table, then packs it under “song-xy-patched.xrns” and then loads it.

This all IMHO should be part of the Renoise core functionality, but I doubt this will ever happen. Also those tools could be done way more easily, if there was a real object oriented abstraction of the whole track/dsp lua api. Same for the notes.

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you can help me with my idea:

i have already fiddled around a little bit :slight_smile:

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I absolutely don’t know if it’s possible but I would like an enhanced right menu that allows to change instrument for current selection. The goal would be to boost the standard process, which is cool, but I would prefer it as a popup window.


The standard right menu allows a bunch of things, but not to quickly change the instruments. So perhaps add a menu to change instrument, with a popup window?


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Nice input all. Currently exploring the possibilities of the ideas that are dropped here and closing some other projects. My plan is to start next week. I’ll let you know about the idea that I picked and progress!

Thanks all!

sounds great!

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I’ve been searching for two things since starting using Renoise, and it would massively improve my workflow! So here are some ideas for coding :slight_smile:

First is a way to double the current pattern, making it twice as long while duplicating the information. I’ve always worked in sequencers by making a short pattern and keep duplicating its length and triggers. It should be pretty easy, right now i’ve been duplicating the pattern and consolidating them to one. But a single operation would be awesome.

Second is a way to have an mpc style note repeat effect, to be able to play the triggers in sync and with the groove of the song.

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Check this tool to expand a complete a song by factor X automatically converting patterncommand values & beatsync values; GitHub - mogue/renoise-pattern-zoom: Renoise tool to expand the lines per beat and repositioning the relevant data.

and/or this tool;

Thanks for the suggestion! However none of them seem to copy over the data when expanding the pattern?

The github plugin from mogue does this, but for a whole song. Haven`t tried the dblue tool in ages, but thought it does this as well? Perhaps you have to select the content in the pattern first through ctrl + a or something before running? Not behind renoise to test.

Hi guys,

Wanted to let you know that I picked this one:

A “sub templater” tool, which makes it possible to not only save a dsp chain, but also the playing instrument and all affected send tracks (even on second level) at once. So if you start a plain new song, you could simply then load some sub templates like “leet 80s lead” or “that synbass” into your song, and it is already accurately set-up with all send tracks, the correct levels and so on.

I was already started but had a project in between. Thats finished now. So I hope to show some results soon.


Any update? :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

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Good that you ask. It’s on the code stash of my studio machine which is currently not available due rebuilding the studio. As soon as I can get it I post it here. Made a yellow memo for it now!

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here’s something i think should be part of native Renoise
a way to alter the volume, panning and delay of a column/track/selected notes INDIVIDUALLY [as of right now, you can do this but it affects the volume AND the panning AND the delay of the selection… that really bugs me

if you mouse click inside the pattern editor, for example in the volume column and hold alt while creating a selection, you can make more granular selections. Or do you mean something else?

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I don’t understand what you said, I’m talking about this modifier:
it bugs me that it affects the vol, the pan and the delay of your selection all at once, I’d like sometimes to just change the volume, or just the delay etc… am I missing something?

In the content mask section of the advanced edit you can set what will be modified, if you only select volume, the other options shouldn’t get modified.

edit; right mouse click an option to exclude the others.